

Saturday 12 December 2015

Prince Wiliam's DNA Test 'Former Jewel in the Crown'

With the news reports pushing agendas...I did not see this

Back in 2013 the Daily Mail wrote about William:

Revealed: William's Indian ancestry. DNA tests show future monarch has clear genetic line to the former 'Jewel in the Crown' from Diana's side

  • DNA testing proves that the Duke of Cambridge is of Indian ancestry
  • He will become first King of England with genetic link to India
  • Prince William's great-great-great-great-great grandmother was half-Indian
  • William will be first and last monarch with the DNA link as it can only be passed on by a  mother
  • Revelation will prompt calls for prince to make maiden visit to the country

Read full article here: 

Now let me be clear, I heard something and sighed at the time and thought then, perhaps it is to justify some right to rule when actually looking on the map, the landscape has already been named and plans made by man laid down long ago.

Fort William is named in India - don't be surprised. There's more

So while it was discovered that the Kohinoor diamond was a spoil of war, presented to Queen Victoria, you can be sure  long ago already well planned ahead plans would be to justify William being 'heavily promoted' to be eligible for the crown = even if he is not...with a back up plan with Kate Middleton's ancestry too. 

The 'Unholy Empire' and it is exposed  'Imperialistic ambitions.'

British India was named long ago...So no surprise really.

Of course instead of relinquishing power whereby allowing humanity to evolve, people are pandering to the wizard wand waving royals. Also the Queen has spoken that we all belong to the Imperial family of Christ, he does not see this family as superior beings.

The Guardian writes: Prince William's Indian DNA piques interest, not innuendo. That's Progress .....
Tests on saliva samples from William's relatives reveal a direct link between the future king and a woman who was part-Indian.

Quoting: Genetic experts have found a direct lineage between the Duke of Cambridge and a part-Indian woman called Eliza Newark.
She was a housekeeper for his great-great-great-great-great grandfather Theodore Forbes, a Scottish merchant who worked for the East India Company in Surat, a port north of Bombay.'

They had a daughter called Katherine - and it is through an unbroken maternal line to the prince's mother, Princess Diana, that the young royal and his brother Prince Harry have inherited the Indian DNA.'

'Born in 1790, she lived in India when it was governed by the East India Company, and is thought to have had Armenian blood because of her surname.'

....researchers traced two of Eliza's living direct descendants, who are both third cousins of Princess Diana's mother, Frances Shand Kydd, and tested samples of their saliva.'

Perhaps before this I found a website that published both maternal and paternal lineage of William and Harry but within 24 hours it disappeared off the internet. Also another website 'Forbes' if I recall - wrote identifying the Queen's personal wealth at several billion pounds but that also disappeared too. Still it was seen...and it was shared openly too.

As God sees and knows all ...all their plans too.

With Queen Victoria being given the title Empress of India, without going into the complication of that, with India in Asia and actually Israel is also in Asia too -The Crown of Asia might be applicable. 

So as this was a title used before - it is being so again?

The Crown a physical symbol, that should indicate that someone is being divinely guided and indeed even enlightened by God - but if they were being divinely guided by God they would be able  to share very openly the guidance being given by Jesus Christ because he has made this very clear indeed.

The Duchess Of Cambridge Attends Princess Cruises Ship Naming Ceremony
The Divine Right to Rule is none...ZERO, ZILCH. 

The real Game of Thrones is being well played. 
It is so easily carried out when people are being paid.

Not everyone is willing to sell their soul to the devil.

Our unique DNA and ancestral lineage is indeed interesting while it can be traced to free people, it appears there is an agenda to keep people under overlords who reject God's laws.. But God has said he will send a deception to the people. People rejecting their God given birthright comes at a price. 

There is also evidence that has shown, our documented genealogy is destroyed - the realisation came with the discovery of the temple being destroyed in 70ad. I learned of Rennes Le Chateau Town Hall having a fire in 1910 - there would be records of births and marriages there for sure. In the City of Smyrna - the Greek Quarter was totally destroyed by fire where 3500 years of history was kept, so the Royal lineage would have been destroyed there too. The Bible still exists and promises made to people too.

Who remembers the devils face in images with the destruction of the World Trade Centre twin towers - well I realised this was a smoke screen, much later learning of the tens of thousands of birth and marriage records held there that became ash. Oh well, that tax collector has copies and the Census is also used to trace our lineage too by I caught someone out and confronted them about it.  

A BBC Documentary The Real Monarch stated Queen Elizabeth II is not even the rightful heir to the throne, - she is not eligible - only because she is from an illegitimate bloodline. That inconvenience seems to have been worked out with the law change for succession by those who stand to gain by doing so.. 

History has shown Kings claiming right to rule even if they have none but while people would be unlikely to say to this lot 'that they hope they live forever' there are other ways to preserve positions - ie loyalty and the National Anthem when sang by believers is a powerful prayer but not everyone knows this.

Those royal books promoting William born to be King - was he already declared so as a child with his mother being a Queen mother...something did not feel right about this. Is History repeating itself...and while I cannot say this is truth, something is certainly going on and other people are picking up on it.

The prophesy of the opponent to Christ cannot be ignored.

Who and where are the Israelites - Do you know? Asia too?

Now there is Royal Law in context we should all know about!

Time will reveal all...the media are doing their bit exposing.

Peace be  with you
Pauline Maria

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