

Monday 4 January 2016

The Media And MP Warned of Kaiser and Queen

To continue where I left off..with new information:
The Princess title might be used but if the wife of William wants to be The Queen, perhaps marrying an emperor might justify that......Kaiser is a title for a German emperor.
The first article headline by the Guardian was seen last year.
An MP's Toast for Queen and Kaiser
There is more..another article I will quote in context.

New royal succession law despite MP's Kaiser warning

By Tim Iredale, Political Editor, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
17rh January 2013
The government will push ahead with plans to introduce new legislation on royal succession, despite a warning from a senior Conservative MP.
With the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's first child due in July, ministers want to scrap the historic rules which favour male heirs to the throne.
If William and Kate's baby is a girl, she would be expected to become monarch ahead of any younger male siblings.
However, the MP for Louth and Horncastle Sir Peter Tapsell has warned of the dangers of breaking with centuries of tradition.
Speaking in the Commons, the Father of the House said: "But for our law of male primogeniture, the German Kaiser would have become King of England, which would have produced almost as interesting a coalition as the present one."
A quick check on the history books confirms that if the male bias towards royal succession had not been in place a century or so ago, Queen Victoria's daughter - also called Victoria - would have acceded to the throne ahead of her younger brother Edward VII.

Her son became Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany.
But few MPs share Sir Peter Tapsell's scepticism of what many regard as an historical act of discrimination.
The new bill would also allow the heir to the throne to marry a Catholic.
Following the recent news that all Commonwealth governments had agreed to the change in the law, the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said: "I'm delighted that all of the Queen's realms have agreed to this historic piece of legislation.
"It will enact in law what we agreed back in 2011 - that if the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have a baby girl, she can one day be our Queen even if she has younger brothers."
Mr Clegg said the government would introduce the Succession to the Crown Bill to the Commons "as soon as possible".
Christian Voice an online resource of information wrote:

Kate can’t be Queen says MP

The move to bring equality to the laws of succession has taken a strange twist as an MP has proposed legislation that would prevent the Duchess of Cambridge from ever becoming Queen.
John Hemming, MP, is attempting to add a clause to the Succession to the Crown Bill that would mean HRH would be called “Princess consort” rather than Queen when Prince William ascends to the throne.
The proposed amendment is based on allegations that the current system is ‘sexist’ since it allows the wife of a King to be called Queen but it does not allow the husband of a queen to be called King. Mr Hemming said: “It’s not right that a Queen Regnant is treated as less important than a King Regnant.”
Later this month Mr Hemming will be officially tabling his proposed amendment. If the House of Commons agrees to add it to the Succession Bill, then the royal family could become the first victims of the equality measures they have tacitly supported.
A spokesman from Clarence House said, “It’s a matter for the Government”, suggesting that the royal couple is prepared to acquiesce with whatever Parliament decides.
Any changes will not affect Camilla because Prince Charles has already said she will be Princess Consort because of the complications of their past divorces.

There is surely so much more going on that we do not know.

What caught my attention to something not being right was a lawyer from Europe asking me what is going on - he was not seeking a reply though. He said for the first time there will be a King and a Queen in Holland and I knew then,,,,this might be a chain reaction to what is happening here in England - the UK.

The titles Miss World, Miss Earth and Miss Universe ...why?

There are people who think this is all not important but evidently there are people within the House of Lords who do see this as very important that they have spoken out and published what is being discussed behind closed doors to alert people. Waking people up is because people are entitled to know the truth. 

Regnnat: Reigning, ruling, currently having the greatest influence, dominant.

If William was made Emperor - can he change the law?

For someone who was not interested in being king...what was the reason for his sudden change of mind. Or perhaps ambitions were to be Emperor instead. Perhaps I missed something..a lot more.. 

The headless figures in the background relate to who?

Just with the articles coming to my attention today - ones I did not find before, evidently there has been a lot of activity behind those doors in the Palace of Westminster - a few changes taking place since.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24

Even while these people were worshiping the LORD, they were serving their idols. To this day their children and grandchildren continue to do as their ancestors did. 2 Kings 17:41

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10

When something does not feel right intuitively, it is not.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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