

Monday 4 January 2016

The Queen Her Daughter in LAW Sophie & me

There is an article yesterday about Sophie and the Queen

Reading down the page...there are a couple of lines:

'For Sophie, who got things so badly wrong while still working in public relations when she joined the Royal Family, is these days viewed by the Queen as its safest pair of hands.

'She is trusted and relied on by the Queen in a way I couldn't say applied to the Duchess of Cambridge or the Duchess of Cornwall,' says a royal aide. 'She is like another daughter to Her Majesty, they are that close.'

Read more:

Probably in the time of Sophie joining the royal family, she was to be an important instrument to shine a light of empowering people and presenting a modern monarchy that promotes growth and prosperity.

Some people compare Sophie to Diana - this is a mistake.

Sophies experience in PR would make her a perfect candidate for keeping a positive image for the monarchy that so many people resent -.not knowing why. So many people do not even know their rights and if you do not know your rights, you will not know when abuse of power prevails over the people..

As it is Sophie has found a calling to use her voice and she does so very comfortably, with eloquence that her true self shines in her personal expression. Scripts written by someone else sound insincere.

Sophie comes across as being sincere in heart.

A Daughter in Law is a Legal Status with a lawful marriage.

The Queen having a close bond with her daughter in law is not so unusual. If anything this is a relationship that should be encouraged in society too. 

If their relationship has become close and mutually respectfully wholesome, it is with their sharing and caring about each other, overcoming trials and learning lessons. 

When the elder promotes education, skills for life, personal growth and development, travel, generational caring - mother and child, elder with younger, this becomes learned behaviour.  In a society where many elderly are living in homes - I this promoted?

There are people who are naturally inclined towards their elders. Caring about the elderly is a natural inclination.  The opportunity listen to someone older and perhaps wiser because of their experience should not be missed if we want to learn from their valuable lessons...

Someone not interested in people, especially the elderly, vulnerable, and even young children - might not realise an important role in mutual learning and development. It is said to learn of the children wheeled out to wave flags at Kate Middleton - perhaps others too. And to blame is the structure in place that have promoted false idol adoration..

Learning that the Queen does not like to give public speeches gives an idea of her personal process. If she does say something, then it will likely be true to her own process. She also has her duty of responsibility to the people - preserving the reformed religion that if we read in the Holy Scriptures, the promises made to people apply to everyone.

The warnings given - do not exclude those given to the monarch either. The government sits on the Queen's shoulders is an expression that certainly makes sense...They are not allowed to make unjust laws for the people - even though they do. They are warned.

Meanwhile within the Queen's family are individuals who have the duty to promote good works and encourage show care and compassion, to empower people, to encourage learning and skills promote personal development and learning...But most of all - no one needs a given title to do this...Everyone can...

We live in a land where Jesus could easily walk around and go unnoticed...We live in a land that invites us to look into the hearts and minds of those who are revered by the common people - the population. Are these people sincere? My question is do you look to your same mother and sister with the same respect? Do you love your grandmother too?

A population can evolve into an advanced civilisation when the structure in place allows it to - meaning that there is nothing preventing people from progress...

There are blocks and obstacles to progress. Injustice is rife.  A system that seeks to enslave people cannot if people do not allow this to be so. If people do not know who they really are - they will never know their personal potential or the role that they are called.

When men work together as a team, they can build mansion houses..It is nothing about class. In looking at the great ships that have been built - for instance The Titanic, the craftsmen and skill involved in the finest of detail was made manifest by people without university degrees ...Skills training, and applying natural learning in skills is indeed purposeful. Communities who work together to build and help each other can achieve much.

Some time ago I spoke with a man who was laying down a driveway. Admiring his work, he spoke of working alone and used excuses not to work with someone else. I spoke of him sharing his skill and giving an opportunity for someone else to learn - that did not go down well. In our land there are many people with skills who refuse to share them and so, there are now learning establishments that thrive with charging a high fee. 

Skills training is something that might be or might not be used in life but at least there is something that can be traded with...helping someone in an exchange - using this skill in collaboration with someone else or a group of people, the seemingly impossible might be achieved because many minds work together and percieve different perspectives.

When there is unwillingness to show someone how to do something, is this not contributing to bringing skills based learning to gridlock? I am sure there are men who are unemployed who would value the opportunity to learn skills and apply these constructively - Home making should be a natural inclination for women too - working as a team in unique roles.

Self esteem building comes with feeling a sense of achievement, being worthy and realising a sense of purpose. Encouraging others is fruit of that tree. If this is stunted, society fails.

The realisation that I was stunted in progressing - The Court was eager to commit crimes to preventing my progress to assist healing and empowering people. The refusal for justice then progressed to deny a legal right that even the Queen knows about. But that is OK. What I did not consider, God has a greater plan for my life (and for your life too).

Everyone has the right to be encouraged to learn, grow, be educated and to be free from oppression. Empowering people in truth is with encouraging ethical leadership too.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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