

Thursday 1 February 2018

Orthodox Patriarch Cyril - Don't lose Hope, Church cannot be defeated!

This afternoon I was guided to this video after a dream and I really needed to listen to this message published July 21st 2017.

To access the video directly here is the link

The Orthodox Church writes 'His Holiness Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Cyril has reassured his flock that not even the gates of hell will defeat the Orthodox Church as our Lord Jesus Christ has promised us.'

Being baptised Greek Orthodox, born of a Greek Athenian born mother who was Greek Orthodox there are ancient truths that have been preserved in Orthodoxy that have been revealed.  There are also hidden mysteries too.

The Russian Orthodox is a SISTER CHURCH. 

The Holy Spirit of Truth is given for a reason.
The role being given to write and point people to Jesus Christ who is alive, is with learning too. He is my teacher and God is the revealer too..

Jesus has shown himself to be true to the Orthodox Church yet not with frivolity and certainly not with any oppressive rulings and tyranny rule.

The way of Jesus is with love and mercy...

People belonging to Jesus Christ are willingly so.

Who can fathom how much Jesus loves his people and when I see these people, I see the Holy Orthodox family who are held together in Christ..

God knows what is written in our hearts - no matter where we are and whatever geographical location. We are spiritually connected even if when geographically separated and in Christ we learn, he does not change His Truth.

It is written "I am with you always, till the very end of the age" Matthew 28:20

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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