

Thursday 1 February 2018

Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow - West is making a mistake

Video upload 5th February 2017 published by the Orthodox Church channel writes: His Holiness Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Cyril held a speech in which he criticized modern western secularism.

28th July 2016 another video published, Orthodox Church channel writes: His Holiness Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Cyril I consecrated the ruins of Kazan's Cathedral, destroyed by the communists, and called the Russian People to give oath to never again follow mindless ideas.

Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow - Globalization is a threat

Here in England Global Britain is promoted..the land of injustice and God mocking rule is what I have known an experienced too.

This video shows the Destruction (past) Revival of the Russian Orthodox Church (present); The future depends on God and man's repentance.

While there are people who have seen the most horrendous visions said to be God's Judgement, I cannot ignore that the scriptures also write of hope of salvation too. Seeing Jesus revealed on this earth, He waits...

People who know how the operations of power behind the scenes and what is really going on - with Imperial Ambitions Vladimir Putin once said..If God can forgive their sins and people repent, He might just forgive ours too.

Yes I have seen Jesus but under persecution too.

Better I write openly and a few more people consider the truth long foretold, then masses more willing to blindly trust any Godless king.

The struggle is real...not knowing the bigger picture. There is a spiritual battle taking place while written about - not all can accept or understand.

Keep moving forward for the Living God is at work in these times. Revisit the past to learn lessons and take heed of the warnings - the return of Christ is with indication that the present day power house lost favour with God..

The promises to people who belong to God are written. Orthodox Christians are scattered in our world. Those who hate God hate us...

No more is the trying to get people to see the truth..if you cannot see you are blind and if you reject the truth then you will never seek the truth.

If you reject Christ ...who can save your soul?

Peace be with you

Pauline Maria


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