

Monday 20 August 2018

A Mistake: To Justify Our Faith and Right to Pray to God. Prayer for Healing/Forgiveness

We make a mistake to justify our faith and right to pray to God - to those who are quick to judge and condemn us. Faith and prayer - Our private communication with God is between us and God, not between those who mock God. Many have rejected God and deny Jesus Christ in this time.

A few years ago I was asked to pen a prayer for healing that I will share again...both the sort and longer version. It is a prayer that we can say at any time; when we feel a need to. We can pray alone and in company.

Jesus said when you pray, go into your room and close the door. Talk to the Father who is listening..some people say Father God in their personal prayer. When in persecution and suffering, if Father God is more comfortable to say, heart and soul felt words is directed to your focus.

The Lord God Almighty is seen as the Most High Authority - there is none on earth who rules over the one over all of us. Jesus made him known.

We can do nothing about other people's free will and choice; those who harm; even trying to trip us up...but remembering God is Judge - also to those who injure even unknowingly - We hurt ourselves more if we forget God and our right to pray to He who gives His saving Grace. Here in England the term 'Queen by the Grace of God' is a title; yet God shows us what His Grace means to each of us who pray sincerely. Jesus said those who are pure hearted will see God. Not only with pure intention, hearts are purified in prayer. Blessed are those who have not seen yet believed.

If one person in a family prays, especially a woman for her children - the next generation know prayer and the God who is the authority over us...We are many born in generations of devout believers who prayed in secret at home - praying from heart and soul to Father God who listens to his child.

We are many struggling and suffering in different ways now. In this time when persecution and prosecution is rife, sadly the enemy of the people is at ease mocking God. The earthly judge who has no regard for the law, justifies injustice too. If we can take some comfort in knowing God is easier to accept in suffering as God is gathering us back to him too.

Learning a lesson - not justifying myself. Blessed to see The King - Jesus revealed wearing his crown. In England many reject The chosen one who the people were long prepared in the redemption.. Scriptures are highlighted and prophesy is validated. God is patient, people globally are praying more. God knows where you live and what you are gong through.

There is a big difference between being questioned by man or woman who rejects God to being sincere in prayer. In this time multitudes of people are prescribed toxin drugs that interfere with working of the mind and feeling emotions too. What would Jesus have to say about those who justify this sorcery? So many people are rejecting God and the healer of the ages.

Lord God Almighty,
Please heal me completely: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Strengthen me with your love. Forgive me for my errors in judgment and help me to see and know the right way. Give me patience and understanding and the wisdom to know when to take on board what I need to and when to let go, because I am sensitive and sometimes do not always remember that other people are learning their lessons too.
Help my family with their healing need according to your will and strengthen us all in faith in you; in Jesus name thank you. Amen. 

 Image may contain: text

Pearls are symbolic of tears...

To the Glory of God may all who are moved in their heart and mind to tithe, pray with me; and who give from their heart may they always be blessed.

May our growing spiritual family be strengthened in the Love of God who gives generously in different ways, according to what we are called to do.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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