

Tuesday 28 August 2018

"You Will Find Me At The Top Of The Mountain" Message 28th August 2018

Message: 28th August 2018
Start time: 9:23 am
End time: 10:04 am

'You will find me at the top of the mountain.
I am the Lord Almighty and I will call who I call and choose who I choose to deliver the truth to my people.
Like Moses and Seth, did they not get tested and my Son Yeshua get tested over and over again?  
As you wait in the Godless land of the living and the dead, they deny your rights and reject me in the process. I know them all; Their hearts and souls are blind to the truth because they want more. 
Those who want more will get less and those who lost everything to (them) will get more.
By My Grace I give and prove to the arrogant they will get nothing at all. The light is switched off to them.
To my humble broken children I hear their prayers and answer accordingly. If I delay it is for a reason and if I bless it is for a reason.
Did you deny me and my son in front of your fiercest critics? I will out them if they do not repent with this nonsense.
You came as someone called and chosen and prepared to help people. 
Jealousy is rife and look at you now in your broken state. 
I bring you closer to prepare your soul for the ultimate refinement in enlightenment. They did this to you. Your enemy resents you because you belong to me and they who planned your stumble and fall were warned.
'Do not cause the little ones who believe in me to stumble' and you my child, my daughter in Christ said who you belong to on oath. 
You do not need to justify yourself to vipers and snakes and ladders is the game they play. 
There is no enlightenment for the treacherous people in your land.
I give you My Chosen King as one who is tried and tested; one a people were prepared for long ago. Who rejects him?
Who rejects the Lord God Almighty in your land?
Well they all do who gained permission of he who defies my authority over all.
My preservation powers over the people cannot be fathomed.
My Holy Spirit is identified because He comes from me and who has this is known.
The demons are many and words to mislead and distract my people.
I said I will be done when I am done and my Will will be done over the entire earth. 
The people will suffer because of their idols.
The battle against the Lord Almighty is real.
Do you fight against me? No, the enemy exhausts you. 
Your heart is strained with sorrow and stress. You have been shaken and the fear mongers know there is something about you they do not know.
A pioneer is a leader to pave the way for people to follow. 
There is no new way. You discovered the old road in the ancient way and you discover the truth when you sincerely seek the truth.
The cities are derision iniquity; with festering vultures seeking a sale. 
Capitalism is an enemy in itself. 
The soul cannot be compromised at this stage.
If your life ends at this point you are going on to a better place; and yet every day is a test on what will you do that might compromise this destruction.
I know you will not reject me as you are put through the refining fire already. You are long prepared now.
Tell my people they are being prepared and the journey is not easy.
If you are called and chosen to serve in the Kingdom, do not seek fame and sales for wealth. Do not cause poverty to anyone. 
Give a little understanding to those who are impoverished in their soul.
Keep my truth simple and clear as it is written to refer to how I have saved my people over and over again.
Not all people want to be saved. 
The Godless Briton does not care about the people. He does not care about his own soul. He wants more and more with no regard for the consequence.
I give you permission to earn your food from your efforts and to share all you have with everyone who asks of you.
Pray for my people. Point them to the truth that is written over the ages and they will see the God of the ages did not change to favour anyone.
The mighty are brought low and kingdoms destroyed for those who were tested by Satan exposed. 
My people who are called by my name are known by name - every single one of them. 
Go Pauline and write and share the truth written in your heart.
The Lord Almighty does not waste his time with the mockers and scoffers. 
Those who dispute with you dispute with me.
I will not  tolerate the abuse of my people to trip them up and those who reject me will say so openly.
Those who want to save their life will die and those who want to save their soul will live. It is a free will choice given.
You are alive in your body because your soul is living and when your body gives up your soul will live and go on.
This is the truth and The Life Jesus spoke of; one he is returning to prove to the people. The Lord His God is not a liar; when the enemy over all is.
Who will be preserved in the Kingdom of God?
Who will be resurrected will not be a choice given to you or to anyone. 
Your work has not been finished. The task must be done. The distractions are many to prevent this. 
My people are waking up and returning willingly.
Truth cannot be silenced by anyone; and as I call you - Come with pure hearts and eyes open; then you will know the Lord Almighty promised long ago to save the souls of his people. You are one.
Let them know you do not belong to the enemy of the people. 
The end is coming and the great battle is over; then my people are set free.
I slay the wicked in ways they cannot fathom.
I will be done when I am done!'

Of the message times scriptures are identified:

This is what the Lord says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches,
but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." (Luke 9:23)

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) (2 Corinthians 10:4)

And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. (John 10:04)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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