

Thursday 27 September 2018

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Date September 27th, 2018.

A vision today, seeing with eyes closed - a Judgement hammer.

When man goes against God what will God do?

Is there a Judgement that has taken place in secret?

Living in the land that has refused to work for justice and denies our God given rights - the ever reminder that God is at work is not in my life, but in what is happening in our world. May those who claim to be servants of God stand for righteous justice and never be silent about those who bury legal corruption as in UK. May the God of Justice who is Judge Over ALL be feared. 

God does not show favor to tyrannical rulers. God does not pervert Judgement. He does not corrupt the Holy Royal Law. 

There is a term 'to interpret the law'. Who has authority?

Laws are written; so are details in the Halsbury's Laws of England. The Court that allows corruption of the laws are they showing Contempt towards God? God knows. We are not to be silent when there is refusal for justice but to expose the crimes. We wait for God to balance the scales.

Is there loyalty to those who have no regard for God or the people? What is written in the hearts of the people now. Justice delayed; justice refused.

I shall yet again walk into the Court department and state yet again that they have held dishonest evidence, that proves Executor fraud, and also tell them to get on the computer and type in the letters to read carefully the written law. They know there is a wrong done, they are silent about it. They do not act to protect the innocent but contribute to destroy life.

The lawyers who are given responsibility to uphold the law are not justified to document contradictory to the truth. If it is a matter for the police - Here they refuse to work for justice. So what do we do?

The police want their pensions while ensuring we are deprived. What do the laws of the land demand? - If we must pay our council tax or go to prison.

Their service, what is the real truth about this?

In the news a police 'officer' and married lawyer were reported as having sexual intercourse at work. They who earn their wages by fines and prosecutions - exposed in a compromising position.  The ultimate betrayal to all in this.

Lawyers and police are not above the law even if they say they are untouchable and will never be prosecuted. The media were not quiet - two officers paid by public money! Lawyers use courts to enforce payment.

For whatever reason this vision was given, it has a reason.

God has put us all to the test for His reason and purpose.

Because of the vision and being a judgement hammer, there are scriptures written, with this being the most appropriate.

....a written promise to certainly look forward to, we can say God wiling

'I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning. After that you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City." (Isaiah 1:26) 

The original article contained names and photographs of those involved - but the issue is, not their betrayal to their own partners. The incident was discovered at the police station while in their professional capacity - on duty.

Other newspapers name and visibly identify those caught in a clinch.. It takes courage to speak out and expose so called superiors. If no remorse and correction in professional conduct takes place, there is unlikely any change - trust is justified to be broken too. As lawyers are referred to as Counselors in Court - is the scripture justified too? 

Over the years I have been told of many police abuses. This includes thuggery, lies in court -innocent people in prison are many. Enough is enough!

Notice the rise of heavily armed police! 

With the emphasis of perversion of justice exposed, with the scriptures written; certain scriptures are revealed in prayer too. In this precarious time I wonder how this is going to transform. I am in a precarious situation too.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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