

Thursday 27 September 2018

What Is The Real Truth About The Jews and Sukkat Shalom 2018 (Important Insight)

As we who are believers; even atheists, can look back or even consider our long ancestry line of physical birth and parentage, we are born in this physical body for a reason. Our souls incarnate for a reason. Will this reason be fulfilled?

As humanity we are one family - we might be a disfunctional and divided family, nevertheless we are still related to each other in some way. We trace back to shared ancestors.

Recalling back reading of the Israelites and Ishmaelites - can we consider since families intermarried too? If this is the case then divisions were no longer quite as they were before. There might be lust for power, but God does not permit anyone to rule over His people except who he chooses. The religious differences cannot wipe out the original truth. God is not a religion nor is Jesus. However, Jesus is Legally Jewish.

In wars and in peace, relationships between people change. And when people are moved from one land to another; flee war conditions, with or without a choice, new relationships form; friends bond, family and love grows.

In this time there is division and also unity - is this our choice? What can we do to learn more of what is really important to know in this critical time?

And now sharing something visually discovered on the internet that made sense so clearly. Now we can see and consider what happened when people were scattered too. What is the truth? Who are really the Jewish people? Who are family?

Something else to consider, if God rules over one land, does He not rule over all lands? So wherever Jews are scattered, this has reason too. A problem exists where the Godless system rejects the authority of God. Corporate establishments with no soul have no regard for life or people too.

For now lets just look at what is presented here!

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Do not justify ignorance, racism and hate. The Jewish people were scattered for a reason. There is a gathering taking place. Can you remember why?

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In this time, the erection of a simple structure outside is for a purpose and yet  the meaning of this purpose is best found replicated in this image.

The Holy Bible makes reference to 'those who say they are Jews who are not...they are of the synagogue of Satan'. (Revelation 3:9) Read this carefully!

Those who have rejected the holy law and authority of God, may have even forgotten. If the Jews, as the Holy Bible also states, have been entrusted with the Oracle of God, (Romans 3:2) then the Jews who believe in God have a responsibility to uphold that which is of God.

We know through Moses and Jesus Christ, both were born in the most humble circumstances and we are all born naked, with nothing at all. We were born into a materialistic world. Some assume they can rule over, rob and take that which God has given but they cannot. They who reject the authority of God cannot take away our soul. Life will teach us many lessons, even this!

The Jews have been taught to break bread together. If push comes to shove, are the Jewish people able to live in simplicity? 

If there is a choice between rejecting God or being obedient to the one who saves our souls, what choice would be made? And before anyone sits and condemns Jews, look to my page where I show how the people are scattered. ..the Jews were and still are forbidden to worship false idols. 

The Jews were warned over and over again. 

The Jews were tried and tested, Yes there are arrogant Jews but also there are those who are very humble too. Yes there are those who strive for success, but without God their lives are desolate. Yes there are those who appear extreme and a rather different people that is because Jews are. 

Since 2013 I wonder am I Jewish too? I believe in the one who is anointed by God and chosen by God to rule as King over the people. The one who is given power and authority by God to preserve His people and since a child I am the only one in our house who chose to seek God - without religious influence. And after this my life went to see the heavy price to pay where there were many precarious situations and people to cause me to fall. 

In 1986 learning my paternal father's sisters were Benedictine nuns in France. I knew nothing other than being born in a family; already family scattered - as in living in different lands in our world. I knew in my heart and soul, I was born for a spiritual purpose and made a promise to God that I will do everything I can to assist peace and healing - studying extensively to learn for this. 

People make a choice to put down weapons of war and can. When we are being made ill by the stress and strain of life and toxins we consume even in our water, who saves us from all this? I am made to be suffering beyond imaginable, and observe those whose voices shout about Jesus Christ as if it is a big party. Oh how many tears He will have cried for an erring humanity. 

The anointed one of God is humble and our spiritual connection to him is not with being hypocrites. Being humbled by God is for His purpose and being in the company of the Jews who know humility is with remembering God saved our lives to serve him. There is no competition in this. 

Our personal relationship with God is with being long prepared. Yes indeed God will gather His people, in His way, in His time; as it is Shalom. 

You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. (Exodus 22:21)


The mystery of history is not clear...but will become clear. There is a complicated tapestry uniting people and nations.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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