

Saturday 27 October 2018

'The Rebelious Know What They Do' Message 27th October 2018

Message: October 27th 2018
Start time: 8:47 am
End time: 9:15 am

Hear me dear one, In your heart of sorrow and mind of tiredness dealing with the rebellious they know what they do. 
Many are employed to distract from the Lord your God and My God too.
Many try to bring the truth and the truth falls short when the relationship with  the Living Lord is lost. 
I do not deal with materialism. 
My way is the Spiritual way and they who refuse to help you in justice and resolve of your situation are not of my order at all. They follow orders to be paid. They avoid conflict to be paid. The lawyers and judges want to be paid and yet true justice is without demanding a wage.
They wronged you greatly as they wrong me over and over again. There is no care for you or me. There is opportunity for assessment for gain. 
There is restriction on the people in the land who do not know it. The tangled web of conformity to illicit laws is with threats to conform.
I tell you they lost the holy order of favour in sight of the Lord. They blind the people with trinkets and confuse by sending here and there; yet who helps my lowly handmaiden? 
You are non-descript in their eyes and to put you into their classification is violating more.
Satanism is rife; and the people prefer to remain blind  in their eagerness to relinquish me who has been given power and authority is why there is no remorse for anything.
I am sorry you suffered for me and I will make it up to you for your reward is not in this world. What you do now determines everything.
They who kicked you down are not elevating anywhere and they who caused you ill will suffer for their wrong doing. 
Why you were chosen for this mission was to glimmer hope in the salvation of mankind and yet they would rather condemn you who studied to help people in ways beyond limited. 
The help materially is not the same spiritually and the suffering servant of the Lord long foretold is reminded again in this world. 
You start a chain reaction of faith as my Mary Magdalene who learns eagerly from her Rabbi.
Unless the Rabbi is aligned with God how can he help those he teaches? 
Even the clarity of the law comes from God and the Spirit of the Lord God moving souls to speak it.
So the promise of the law being written on your hearts; Who do the Godless in Britain refuse it? It is because they work in a system that does not acknowledge God except in lip service.
No divorcee or adulterer will be the head of My Church.
No Satanist will serve me because they rejected me and to renounce Satan means to renounce everything given. 
As I clothed you in finery before you did not advertise the price or labels. Your mistake was being drawn to follow labels when you, my simplicity is required of you.
Reach to the hearts of those in need as before but know you will have more kindness shown of those who did not make a pact with the rebels, for they have faith in the impossible. 
Nothing is impossible without God. 
You died so many times in your sins and sinful ways of the world has killed you over and over. See the enemy for what it is. 
The moment you followed me in your heart, you could not give up this quest of faith in the salvation of mankind. 
Look at those who oppose you - no regard for your training and yet the Queen does nothing to rectify her mistake with you. Yes it is her mistake as all who serve her are supposed to be helping me. 
So why the resistance other than there is no trust in the Lord Almighty. 
You worry as the age is creeping upon you and limited time. 
You were not born to suffer all your life but to thrive and help others to thrive. 
The healing need is so great in the world and yet the classification of illness allows pills and terminal diagnosis. People are written off.
If the rising up of all those who have been violated by the earthly peers were to be exposed, there would be no respect for any of them.
You know the law and the commandments. 
Worship the Lord your God with all your heart and do not serve the false idols. They are nothing to me who go against me and the Father Almighty. 
You are to love one another and teach about divine love as a mother loves her child unconditionally. 
I am not permitting excuse for sin, lies and injustice.
I wait til they rectify their ways and return to the Lord Almighty in the true form and righteous ways.
They who make women prostitutes and make it impossible to live without distress are condemned.  I know who they are.
She who rises with Satan will fall quickly as the Son of Man returns to his people now.'

The following scriptures are identified with the times:

Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.” (John 8:47)

When the woman realized that she could not stay hidden, she began to tremble and fell to her knees in front of him. The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched him and that she had been immediately healed. (Luke 8:47)

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15) 

But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. (Acts 9:15)

And I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh, and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.  (Genesis 9:15)

In the Daily Mail online today - just looking at one paper headlines out of a few, the following articles are published.

British Judges get a pay rise

In Sydney Australia, (Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of Australia) Prince Harry with wife Meghan attend the closing ceremony of the Invictus Games - (the logo also highlights I AM) -Harry praises 'ordinary people doing extraordinary things'

It is reported following Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex speech The Kingdom Choir performed - (also at their wedding reception at Windsor Castle)

The headlines read 'The two Queens and the Big Apple.....'

'HMS Queen Elizabeth was greeted by Lady Liberty as she pulled into the harbour to mark the start of a week long journey. 
The two huge ships cruised past each other during the massive aircraft carriers first ever visit to the US.'

'Britain has committed to a £9.1 billion programme to buy 48 of the jets by 2025 - with a pledge to purchase 138 - they will be jointly operated by Royal Air Force and Royal Navy pilots.'

(Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary 2 - two Queenships)

Just thought to add these articles to the message.

As Christmas approaches, and this time ahead, as years before daily, even while we pray for peace, there are those who justify war. There are those who say the problem is peace is not profitable. What did Jesus Christ say?

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9)

How often do you think of Jesus - seriously. Your thoughts are your own and what is written in your heart and mind, God already knows.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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