

Monday 31 December 2018

A Wise Father Knows How to Discipline His Children

A wise father knows how to discipline and guide his children in the right way. If we do not have an earthly father then we become orphans - and if we have a father figure who does not preserve us in truth, a man of God, what can we do?
God is the Father of the fatherless. Jesus warned to make sure no man causes the little ones to stumble and he warned of consequences too. He spoke of us being Children of God. Become like innocent children.
Do not be vengeful towards those who hurt you, whoever they are - the word of the Lord is clear 'I will repay'......
Jesus spoke about a prayer to say that is spoken globally.
OUR FATHER who art in heaven, the prayer begins quite simply and clearly we are given the approachable one through him, the one who spoke of being the Son of the Father. My Father and Your Father in Heaven we are told.
If you have been abused, neglected, abandoned and even rejected by an earthly father, you might not realise God has ensured everyone knows through Jesus about He who is seated out of reach of those who neglect and abuse children.
The enemy thrives with causing pain and suffering yet the child of God who remembers the one who came and his promise, can also repent and return if he has erred his way.
What is the promise that has been made? Do you know?
Have you sought forgiveness for sins and sincerely too?
Do you pray for those who have sinned against you that their hearts and minds can be turned in the right way? By the Will of God we ask, by the Will of God in Jesus name for we are all learning lessons and no one is exempt from this learning.
The souls that have departed, we can pray for them too for the soul incarnates for a time, reason and season to learn lessons and we do not want to seek to perpetuate suffering.
When we pray THY KINGDOM COME...we acknowledge God the Father. His Kingdom is righteous justice too.
We acknowledge all Power comes from God and as God has allowed power to be used and abused, He can take it away. We are being shown to look to Heaven where The Throne is situated and to pray in righteousness, wish no ill to anyone.
The All Seeing and All Knowing God has given warnings - He does not permit Kings to harm his messengers or to oppress people yet when this is done, He also warns in time and why.
The enemy wants you to feel uncomfortable approaching God in prayer and talking to God The Father as a son or daughter; yet, Jesus made God approachable in his name.
Sometimes the most simple message is given and yet not always accepted because there is doubt - and God knows. If you find yourself a little quiet time and have a heart and soul conversation with your focus on God, you will begin the new and renewed connection with your Creator, the one who it is written formed you - knitted you in your mother's womb.
In this time many children have seen Jesus and are guided by the Holy Spirit of God to remind adults in this generation. Jesus has warned if anyone causes the children to stumble - I do not need to document the consequences. A child who knows God and is loved is given a role in His Kingdom. A child who is hurting, God knows - Jesus loves in abundance.
There is a warning not to prevent children coming to Jesus and a child who is long prepared are many in this timeline. So many neglected and orphaned children - yet there are so many loving adults who have enough love to share too.
You do not need to be a parent of your own children to have enough love to care about other children and listen to them.
When Jesus is visiting children, and the children are bringing his message - it is for a reason. We adults must take notice.
We are being reminded of a promise forgotten long ago.
We must do our part to prepare for the Kingdom of God now.

 Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and text
Peace be with you
Pauline maria

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