

Monday 31 December 2018

Even At Our Weakest, The Lord Will Still Use You

Even feeling ill and at our weakest, the Lord can and will still use you for his purpose. For the third time, no, fourth/more I will present legal corruption in writing to officials and face a judge from Her Majesty's Court Service - not because this can be resolved as there has been obstruction to justice. Yet I wonder how many times God will put me through this until he says 'Enough is Enough' of the abuses taking place in this land to His people.
I wonder whether I will come face to face with a judge who will return to his official associates and send ripples through the establishment to remind them ALL how destructive legal corruption is and how this is contributing to loss, trauma, suffering; not only destroying lives but leading to early death. Evil easily rises and thrives when good men do nothing as we perish.
Jesus found me - God heard my crying and prayer at home. He hears you!
God is watching over his people in our suffering and surely he is putting those to the test who are violating His people today. We are having our Rights denied here in Britain. Also behind closed doors many British people are being battered and oppressed, and the system has a structure that is ready to intervene and even contributes to the greater problem too.
Years of political confusion allows corporate structure heads to change seats and contracts have been renegotiated; while decisions are also made to the detriment of people. There is a system that has not wanted the people to be free and it will not be under the present structure that is being maintained. To whom are we being asked to give our loyalty to?
I have caused myself extra suffering instead of considering even in prayer a simple question when facing difficulties;
What will Jesus say and do in this situation?

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The Judge serves the Crown Wearer - Queen Elizabeth II? This is not a court hearing. They can and will likely access medical records where there is also evidence of injury and treatment for injury denied in court. There is evidence of the named abusive barrister who arrogantly lied in court on his oath. I did not apply for any hereditary titles to be recognized - 
The secret society club members might not have access to the NARROW GATE. No point being well connected on earth if you are disconnected from God. In a flash wealth can be gone, cities and homes destroyed as happened before. 
Social climbing and corporate climbing by being connected might have its earthly perks but at what price to the soul? 
Something to think about: Who is training? 
One of the quotes from Queen Elizabeth II:
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In Christ, Peace be with you Pauline Maria

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