

Tuesday 11 December 2018

'Be Still And Know I Am God' Message 11th December 2018

Message immediately following on from prayer.

Message: 11th December 2018
Start time: 0:50 am
End time: 1:26 am

'Be still and know I am God

Here we go again in the same place and situation. Nothing has changed because the system refuses to change and address their wrongs.
Be still and know I am God, the beginning and end, the alpha and the omega; the One who rules over kings and their minions.
Yes that is what they are minions with not thinking independently, or thinking about what is to come upon the surface of this world you live in.
By My Holy Spirit all will be done in truth and righteousness.
There is no righteousness where you are for injustice is rife and they continue to mock me until I decide no more.
Bear with me in this patience I ask of you for you have been tested in patience so you know.
Nothing is for nothing and as people are deprived of their Right to live in peace, I will give no peace to the wicked in your land or anywhere else.
I have my plan written and warnings given - not of my doing but the natural consequence of actions taken against my people who are the Lord's inheritance in truth.
You dear one are the Lord's inheritance and I am yours in truth.
Let them who corrupt my laws come and argue with me and you will see they will not. They cannot.
They are not welcome nor invited to the Throne of Grace that I hold sacred and where no abominations will take place; 
for My King is pure in his heart for his people, but the one who rules with injustice and corrupts the law is not.
I will show my lowly handmaiden more as she seeks the truth and she sees what is revealed by me; not before she is ready.
You who raised the standard against the enemy of the Lord is revealed clearly. 
She who evokes demons to harm will be harmed by her acts.
And he who does magic spells to keep an army under control has lost the war already.
The future is written,
My Holy Mountain will not be moved; as the conquerer cannot control the souls belonging to me. You try oh how you try.
You deserve all you get coming to you and once the wicked one is conquered people will be free again.
Many lost their lives so evil could thrive and many hearts and souls are now compromised.
Do they who feel loyalty to their Master Fear God or man who rejects God? Here is the answer to know.
I do not care about those who reject me by the the rule of evil. The deal they made was vast with vast death too.
I do not care to preserve the souls of all who knowingly join evil in what they do. But I care about the souls who are blinded by the truth of the lie being told to mankind.
I am not for sale and I do not offer courses to pray to me. 
Talk to me - I am listening and if you are humble and sincere I am listening.
Do not go on a stage and play your music for popularity church; because I am the One whose Spirit is sent to all who are humble and humbled at home; and in hiding scared of the demon knocking at their door. 
I do not charge for prayer ministry.
I give My Grace and My Truth to whomsoever I choose.
The Wisdom of the Lord is what it is and when governments take notice of the Wisdom of the Lord, the people who work in government might return to me in humility,
The battle is mine. 
Serve me and I will help you win the battle.
They who kill to get ahead will be killed and they look over their shoulders now - but what comes will come when least expected.
I forgive who I want to forgive and I give mercy to whom I give mercy for my reason not yours.
I allowed this Lady to suffer so that I could give everything promised and more than hoped for.
She asked for wisdom to help people and yet she was crushed by those who are paid to help my people and preserve my people in the holy law.
The priest who is a pedophile is a priest of Satan's order and unless all renounce Satan and all the gains from Satan's order, they cannot say they serve me.
In Christ Jesus you are saved, in Satan you are not.
I do not approach you unless it is necessary to do so.
Find me in prayer with sincere heart and I will find you.
Draw near to me and I will draw near to you.
I am the Lord God Almighty  and the King of kings.
Are you a king? Are you my handmaiden?
Are you serving the Lord Almighty at all?
Do you claim to be working in health?
Love the one who is the source of healing rays on earth.
He gives and you receive to bless others in my name.
He does this out of gratitude and humility in his role of responsibility.
The Prince of Peace is not the prince of illness and death.
The Crown of Life is not the crown of death at all.
I crown who I will with righteousness; not because they are righteous, but because they will serve the Lord and preserve humanity by their choices.
So who is causing death to my people?
You who hate the Lord Almighty will be banished from my kingdom.
Be gone you wicked ones.
I am the one who is the law and I give my grace with love not hate and fakery.
Be humbled and cloak yourself in shame to abuse my name for your ends.
I know everything, Yes I do.

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