

Monday 10 December 2018

'I Am The King of Your Soul' Message 10th December 2018

 Another day and another letter has shown the most unethical and unprofessional practice; I am stunned with what is happening in this land.

There is ease making decisions that result in death - perhaps because those who make the decisions cannot see the consequences of what they do. 

Before this message, I prayed, praying for my need in this situation I am facing and enduring; also to bless the people who bless me.

This personal message being shared openly as there are words given to impart to people - each will read and understand what they are meant to.

Jesus appears empty handed and was born in poverty. He went to the poorest of people and rejected from society. Why would he change his choice of company today?

A woman was thrown to the ground accused of committing adultery. She was in the company of a married man. God knows if anything took place. The men were ready to stone her to death - if it was not for Jesus. In silence he wrote on the ground and turned to them and said 'Those who have not sinned cast the first stone'....Not one did. Jesus saved her.

Jesus turned to the woman and said 'Go, sin no more'

We are living in worrying times....the future is uncertain and not all is clear. All I can do is pray. In this struggle I endure entirely alone. The enemy of the people is known by God and God also knows the hardship we endure.

Message: 10th December 2018
Start time: 1:20 am
End time: 1:58 am

My dear one, I hear your prayer and tender heart. 
Sweet one of bitterness to your soul, how hurt you are by people you have trusted and how betrayed you are by people who claim to serve me who do not. 
I will show you my world of living in truth and the Light of God not because you deserve it, but because scriptures will be fulfilled in this.
I bless you and give you my word. 
No one knows how broken you are or how fragile your being has become for following me to the ends of the earth and beyond this realm.
How can I deny such a searching heart who had a glimmer of hope so long ago?
How can I deny you grace when you come in nothingness to the Throne of Grace asking for nothing from me that does not serve your life in a spiritual way?
You see churches are full and yet you are the poor church lady of sorrows who prays for the people who do you wrong. 
You do not see what I see and you do not know what I know.
Unless they come to you and ask for prayers, focus on what you need to do to preserve health and build yourself up again. 
Take care of yourself and rest.
I will supply your needs if only you will allow me to.
The State robbed you over and over again refusing to work for justice.
I told you long ago you do not need to study; yet you did and insisted 'for credibility'. I know the traitors in your land planned your downfall; and the big blow is you put everything you had in this and more so you could help other people.
Damned is the enemy of the people. Damned is he who wrecks and destroys the light of truth and makes it out to be not worthy.
Well my darling the reason you have my spiritual heart as your calling, is because the betrayers broke yours to the point you could no longer get up on a stage and be a voice of hope.
You have so much knowledge and understanding locked up inside you and psychologically frozen with the trauma from the system.
There are good people working in the system, but many do not realize the far reaching consequences of their words. 
Use this platform to get the truth across because they who claim to be serving Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, if they wrong you they wrong you in her name.
She will not want that with so many abuses happening and now brought into the open. 
I am the King of Your Soul Pauline and there is no church elder who can rule over you at all. 
If my people call out to me and relinquish all that is evil, I will guide in truth when they are ready to listen to me; and I speak clearly to the souls aligned to me in truth. I do not have agenda or purpose in this.
I am the comforter and guide, the reminder of the Lord Almighty and Father in Heaven long spoken about.
I am not talking about and earthly father or one who heads a church. 
I am talking about the inapproachable One who is revealed in Light. 
Who can say they have seen him? Only those who have and that is for the purpose of the Great Redemption.
The mighty want to see but they are blind.
The hearts who long for my word might be deceived.
The truth that comes from me is with knowing for sure the truth is validated and only when the truth has happened as it is given and written, can truth be validated. 
What comes from The Father will be validated by The Father and what comes from the Son will be validated by the Son.
You ask for nothing more than your safety and preservation in these times, when surrounded by people who hate you. You did nothing to merit this.
The hatred in their hearts is with knowing you are different and in your struggle alone no one helps. Not one will help you because their hearts are hardened; unaware of your circumstance or how ill you are.
You have a decision to make and the choice is yours with health and wellness. but I know you fear the long term repercussions. 
You are tired, so very tired and your heart is beating erratically. Let my love calm you as you let go of the stress in your life and give it all to me.
You are at one with the Lord and picking up on vibrations of volatile people around you. Stay away from aggressive people and vocally hateful because their energy is poison to you.
Darling when I was taken out of this world my body was broken and weak. My bones were not broken. 
My heart was broken for what would come upon the people who had no idea of the plans of the Father Almighty of all Creation.
I could not stay longer. I gave a glimmer of hope to a few people. The rest did not want to know.
Only when men face how hateful they have been and see the destruction they cause, maybe a few feel remorse. 
Many people in this time feel no remorse whatsoever.
Do not hope for an outcome in any situation now.
Take one day at a time.
You are an instrument of the Lord and by the Holy Spirit we are connected. 
My soul is eternal. So is yours.
Who will be cut off? Many will be cut off.
Tell them this. 
Thank you.'

Of the times, scriptures are identified.
The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches. (Revelation 1:20)
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20) 
For the rage of man does not perform the righteousness of God. (James 1:20) 
For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
When the time came for Elizabeth to have her child, she gave birth to a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and they rejoiced with her.  (Luke 1:57-58) 
They kept using violence against Israel, against those who were found month after month in the towns. (I Maccabees 1:58)

Immediately after this message a song title came to mind 'Isn't she beautiful' - Mike Smith writes:  'This is a video of Spontaneous Song which Chris Mapes and I put together IT IS A Picture of Jesus' point of view regarding His Bride during His Passion(THE CROSS).'

In prayers I ask for forgiveness...Jesus knows. The man who knows all my sins and errors as it is to Him who I confess everything to.

There is nowhere to run or hide with God watching.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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