

Saturday 15 December 2018

'Many Are Perishing In Your Land' Message 14th December 2018

Personal revelation message.

Message: 14th December 2018
Start time 14:22 pm
End time 14:59 pm

'Hold on dear one
 Hold on I am with you in the Spirit and in truth and I know the plans to try rectify their mistakes not to your favour and not to your benefit.
Many are perishing in your land because they rejected the truth that was so obvious; and they want to believe the lie will save them. It will not.
The false sense of security is with many claiming because they can and the Doctors cannot cope with the overload.
Many are sick with stress like you and many do not want to be compromised at all.
The collapsing system is bring a new privatized system you will neither afford in your circumstance or be eligible for help if they implement their plan.
You are right to hold back and look on to what is going on.
The Father predicted an outcome of good despite that monster called capitalism.
Your value is less with jealousy but The Father is jealous for you more.
They who plot your fall will fall and they who destroyed your life must be exposed.
Your  choices are your own and many poor choices brought many painful lessons.
Those who take an oath of office even refusing to do this in the name of God Almighty do not have permission to pervert justice or put people in a place of compromise that they cannot eat or heat their homes.
The big freeze will come and what will they do if their pipes burst? They will cry for ruin in their homes and expect insurance to pay out. 
They will not consider The One who made all things possible so they could live in comfort in the first place.
Your body is cold, your heart warm and your Spirit on fire for the Lord.
Keep mentioning me and remind people of the crown wearer is not of her choosing; and the grace to stay with so much when so many people have so little is a reminder of all.
Who do they want, the Lord God Almighty or the system that allows greed and exploitation to flourish to the detriment of you all?
I love you Pauline and I know you have taken this path hard, but you remain true to me in your imperfectional state with nothing to give that will satisfy an ungrateful and selfish nation. 
They who want prosperity before me, did they share this with you or me? 
Did they see the few who are given extra to show possibility of what can be is not really of substance of all?
Many will not save your soul or theirs; and those who have much beyond what is imaginable know.
Yet those who cannot see real productivity. (Phone ringing 14:39 - message continues 14:40) I will give the fruits to my remnant but they expect you to buy the remnant fruits for pennies or more.
I will give my Spirit of Truth to those who give all in truth to all and as the risks are real, rejection, jealousy and hatred are real.
Look who is reaching to you.
They stuff their faces who caused you to fall; they feed their addictions with no care at all.
There are those who look on thinking you are not well at all but their hearts cannot bring them to show care and compassion.
Do people pray for the people in need?
Hearts are realizing something is wrong in the land you live in and the more you document the truth, they are forced to read the truth that has remained hidden.
You were warned long ago what will happen and the force of darkness wants you off the land for it is land marked out for the crown wearer, and the builders plan carefully.
Many do not realize God has moved hearts and minds to build His kingdom and the souls being conquested to deny God is a reality for some.
The church is an assembly of people and yet the prosperity church prospers with tithes and promises of greater generosity. It has happened before.
You and David were meant to find each other and I thank him for his ministry; for you in your own ways compliment each other in this mission you are called into.
He is the preacher with heart and love - the redeemed sinner and you are a suffering servant sharing your experiences.
I am a Rabbi Teacher of Spiritual matters and Absolute Truth; for the word to you and I made a promise to you long ago.
By what you write you give me life to a people not ready to receive me.
Many do not know who I am but I do not seek fame or adoration.
And I do not rule by deception or demand oaths of allegiance from anyone.
Who gives me allegiance will not cause suffering to anyone and it will never be their intention to do so.
Some people cause suffering on themselves with what they have said and done.
If knowingly set out to harm, hinder or trip up anyone so they fall is malicious intent. 
God The Father knows what they have done and He had a mission for you long before you were ready.
Prepared you are in your weakened state, limited, I will make sure the servant of God is not serving the enemy. 
Tell them this.
My love is real. Find me with love:

The interruption of the message at a specific time by the telephone ringing,  is with identifying the following scripture

When Moses reported the LORD's words to all the Israelites, the people were filled with grief. (Numbers 14:39)

The date 14th December with message time 14:22 (14:14 - with 22 The Master Builder number, presents another opportunity to see what is written:

The LORD shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. (Exodus 14:14)

Revelation 22 is also the last book in the Holy Bible.

Jesus The Rabbi and Teacher, introduces himself when the student is ready. Many people have now seen him clearly revealed; being assured of the anointed one identified as The Christ who did not defy God. Jesus the Christ did not wave a wizard wand to the heavens mocking God laughing...An innocent man crucified and resurrected, Jesus who lives is real and returning.

Our experiences are in accordance to the Will of God. Each person is called to their purpose. Do not envy anyone else. God does not encourage sibling rivalry.
Like a symphony in an orchestra everyone has their part to play in this foretold revelation.  The God of hope is reaching His people in the way we are meant to understand - in the way we can understand. We have choices..

Talk to God, He is waiting.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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