

Tuesday 18 December 2018

'This Earth is Like an Orphan' Message 17th December 2018

Personal revelation message; the Holy Spirit of the Lord is with focus on God the Father, Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ the Son of God and the Holy Spirit - Ruach ha Kodesh in prayer before. With focus remaining; writing down each word as given to my soul in a place without disturbance or noise.

Message 17th December 2018
Start time: 20:35 pm
End time: 21:15 pm

'I will be done and not before time; and all is complete as my word is written for a reason.
The floods are coming for a reason and Christmas season is upon the human race; yet who thinks what this means?
The little child born today and yesterday, who sees the miracle of creation? Not all;
And you perish because you forgot the Almighty One of creation and this the message: To fear God alone. 
Do you fear God or man who rejects God?
They can hate you but fear will be instilled to reject the God who saves them.
How can you when you have seen the Light and Spirit of Truth revealed so clearly?
You see and you share meekly to inspire hope and prayer.
You can do nothing more at this juncture.
You need to take care and rest but the wicked do not allow the servants of God that are hand picked to do their job.
There is distraction and chaos, fighting and competing and I sit waiting patiently. 
The ego wants to win the battle and My Holy Kingdom will not be contaminated by the Unholy Order over all.
I will free the minds of the imprisoned ones in fear of what is to come if they pray and turn their hearts and minds to me.
I will expose the church that abuses my people and protects the abuser so you can see the power of the adversary that is held over them.
The crown is old and worn as as symbol.
The crown of righteousness is new and unused. 
No one has worn the crown of gold that is pure for the people. 
No one has laid their heart and life on the ground for the people bar one and the Holy One of Israel is his name to be known by.
The demons have admirers and their presence felt yet what is the use of  worshiping that which oppresses the soul?
You must be careful now for the light has gone out in the world to test those who are sincere and who are not. 
Many are hateful and will become moreso.
The healing balm is here to heal broken hearts - yet who wants this?
I settle you to a place of rest and the leader of my people in your land unsettles everyone.
What can I do if the people will not listen to the still voice within?
You will see your mind knowing a different language and the one you already know - take notice.
Take notice when the Lord of all is speaking to you and do not be swayed by opinion or ridicule for the time is ripe for harvest.
The people who belong to the Lord Almighty do not all fight for their religion.
The Spiritual Way was shown for a reason long ago.
A prepared vessel was born and did not need to be taught by men or women of any religion. 
They set the example or not.
They guide and protect or not.
They care and support or not, but can do nothing other than who God the Almighty allows.
The one that rises quickly will fall quickly and the one who is my servant will not be silent about wrongs.
I have many helpers who will not deny me; or the Christ Son who is born.
If there is error in teaching, the teaching is wrong.
I entrusted the man with my holy wisdom to impart to the children of God unpolluted.
He who walked in humility did so without complaint at all. 
He knew if he could be seen grandly, he would be a greater threat to all.
So the trickery used to get rid of the voice of God was used in the way you know. 
Bribery and corruption of the court is known and yet what can you do if they refuse to work for justice too?
The Lord God is guardian over your soul and yet the body is tired and weak.
I show you how little regard there is for me and you are in a strange land when you speak of me and are ignored.
The groups are forming and many want the Holy Spirit ignited in their soul.
The want too much is why they cannot see or feel the presence and yet there are those who do.
Who is humble and shining a light for the Lord?
Who is helping to inspire other people to do the same?
Who is caring for the elderly, lonely and vulnerable ones?
Are there homeless on the streets while those who help the homeless are inside keeping warm on this feast?
I will test the hearts and souls and purify the hearts and souls even more.
Change was not in one day.
The week is long enough to transform people and seven days of completion can be with healing the mind and emotion too.
When people are ready they will anchor onto God the Almighty, but the shock of the loss will be felt too.
Nothing is for nothing.
You gain and you lose; you gain and you lose and when you are ready to give up what is not of me, you gain me and from me when you search for truth too.
You are not of this world.
Your mother was not a fool for the Almighty. She made a choice that was to turn the course of her destiny and then you were born in the land I had set aside for my Kingdom to be known.
The Son of God the Father came and came again to prove to you history is real and He is alive in you and for you all.
Yet who wants to know the person in Christ in this time who lives? For I am He, the one born long ago in your land.
The universe is a place of wonder of stars and galaxies, yet this earth is like an orphan.
The orphan was given to me to preserve and keep; knowing the truth there is a God watching over the people. 
The earth is reacting and the Lord over all is angry.
The earth is shaking and it will be more if they who do not care for the Almighty Order - it is He who rules over all.
The souls that rebel, rebel against Him;
And many lost sheep are perishing.
I will find my lost sheep who call out to me.
I will hear their voice and they hear mine.
Your Yahushua I am forever more
Eternal soul listen with love as I love thee'

With the times scriptures have been identified:


Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? (Romans 8:35)

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ (Acts 20:35)

And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. (Ezekiel 20:35)

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. (Romans 9:15)

And for this cause He is the Mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were covered under the first testament, those who are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. (Hebrews 9:15)

And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. (Genesis 9:15)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

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