

Thursday 6 December 2018

'The Rule of Law Without Stipulation or Limitation' Message 6th December 2018

Strong words received from the Spirit of the Lord.

Message : 6th December 2018
Start time: 6:19 am
End Time: 6:49 am

The turn of my heart to the ends of the earth will be done.
I am the I am and I will be done when I am done.
Now banish the evil from my land - Now.
I will not tolerate the abuse of my people and children in Christ.
You who serve Satan Be Gone for you have no qualm with my people.
You are nothing but testers and tempters are murdering my people out of ignorance too.
You evil generation. 
You are such an evil generation who justify ill works of unrighteousness too,
It is not policy. 
The police are scorned everywhere, There is no ethical police system in the UK now. 
You evil deeders of mine who have lost your way and if you do not repent you will be lost forever. 
I will not tolerate abuse of my people to do harm to my people.
You evil ones of the devil incarnate: you have nothing over my people so stay away from them. 
You defy the law - My Law and you defy the truth - My Truth and you reject My apostles and messengers who are not slaves to you or for you anyway.
She who wants to rule should read up on the law to see if she qualifies. 
Is her marriage lawful? No it is not. 
And she met her match with her king and social climbing too.
Be good at the competition or you will lose.
The chosen handmaiden of the Lord is My choosing and many are selected, few are chosen. 
You who prevent progress be banished from uselessness; and you who want to Lord it over My people - who are you to be Lord over anyone at all?
You cannot even control your own weaknesses and lust.
You are perverse and tested in your ways. 
Your hearts and minds are corrupt.
Now return rightfully and quickly before the return and it is too late for all of you. 
Ignore the wicked they are going nowhere for I am the Lord Almighty  and I made the Rule of Law without limitation or stipulation. 
No witchcraft sower is ruling over my people, not now, not ever more. It is as simple as that.
The prostitute who sold her soul to the devil for power did just that. 
Her children are illegitimate  in the eyes of the Almighty One.
Keep your button closed and zipper zipped for the pollution of the body is with many diseases. 
Shame to be preserved in virginity will return to be prized once more and the marriage bed undefiled in heart and soul.
Many men of God are not using and abusing women. 
No man of God will exploit or abuse man, woman or child and if they do, expose him and banish him from My church and My government. 
No one can serve two Masters and you are warned, the tempter entered the church and temple. 
The willingness to let go of what is good to follow evil will dn no good for anyone. 
You have been tricked. 
The mass deception on mankind in the Western world is cruel and it is sick. 
It is forewarned and a prelude of what is to come.
Now see me you who claim to see the invisible and you do not.
My Spirit is revealed only  through the Father and the Son and the three are connected in ways not fathomed. 
Of course I can reject another deception on mankind.
When man rejects God he becomes subject to man and the lawless one foretold long ago knows what he is doing.
Love one another and do evil deeds to no one for all is measured. 
All is seen and unseen known for the traces are left to fall upon. 
Do not be too confident in your positions for all can fall and will fall from grace eventually. 
A death comes as another will follow. The third will be a shock to the nations and the world will be plunged into chaos through an assassination. 
The Lord forgives; the Lord forgets.
The Lord does not tolerate murder of His people. 
He will reap what he has sown and feel sorry not for the murderer.
I will be done when I am done and not before.
My gatherers are working the harvest while the enemy tries to ruin souls to his own ruin. 
The king of perversion of all is here and everybody in power knows it. 
They who are scared will not rock the boat.
Now is the time for saving souls.
Either you are saved or you are not.
This is not a competition or lot.
Come in humility to the Throne of Grace as you are called.
Be saved and repent from wicked ways - Aluha May'

Of the times scriptures are revealed.

We have this hope ans an anchor for the soul firm and steadfast. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. (where Jesus our forerunner has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek) (Hebrews 6:19-20)

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,  (where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal (Matthew 6:19) 

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; (1 Corinthians 6:19) 

But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.” (Luke 6:49)

Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead. (John 6:49)

And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out; (Mark 6:49)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria


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