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~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~

~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~
♥ Divine Justice, Global Peace and Healing ~ As it is written: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (Matthew 5:5) ♥

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

'He is here with you and among you' Message 15th January 2019

Message: January 15th 2019
Start time: 4:03 am
End time: 4:31 am

'Hopeless is the situation created on earth as more chaos is planned. 
Oh  they smile while my people perish but there will not be smiling for much longer. 
Serve the Lord God Almighty you rebels because if you do not the rebellion will be pumped out of you.
I cannot save them who defy the Lord Almighty in their arrogance but I can reach my people if they turn to me with their lowly hearts; and grace will come upon them like they never imagined.
Your land are many who reject the grace of God because they serve the idols and your Queen is not one of them and neither tried to be.
A dilemma is created: can you be trusted with the kingdom or the rebels instead?
How the people who suffer will continue to suffer until suffering is no more.
They who reject God do not take care of the servants of God and the Lord Almighty knows who is called and chosen and who is not.
Preserving souls in prayer is a quest I have known and shown and yet the killing of life is of the enemies snares. 
I will not tolerate she who serves the devil himself to rule over my people and she thinks we do not know. 
Many know much more than has been revealed to you by me.
It is not necessary to for you to know anything at all. 
The eyes are opened to see all is not right in the world and the influence to understand how this is over the people you came to know in your learning.
As you turn your hearts and minds to the Lord Almighty, He knows the efforts to snare you and cause your fall.
All this was predicted before.
Your place in the future is secured.
Your body is tired; your soul will go on.
For many the party is coming to an end and each will face their maker.
When judgement comes upon this earth again no one will escape knowing what it is and why it is happening.
My church is corrupted and continues to be corrupted and you have the difficult task to set things right.
The perverted in this world have perverted their own minds and hearts that they do not even know who they are anymore.
A time when a man has his member cut off has marked a time for the end of the man. 
How he seeks religion fortification when his essence is confused and then what?
Who can give this to him?
Gender confusion continues under the influence of the evil one and many know it.
My children are perishing because of confusion of who they are; and when the surgical knife cuts away and disfigures the man and woman - strangers look at each other in the mirror.
The past cannot be cut away.
So many pray and pray and cry in their confusion - trying to fit in a new role and yet not fitting in anywhere.
All are God's creation who have been disfigured and yet they did not seek God the Father of their soul before this earthly transformation. 
Who is he who transforms hearts and minds and heals the souls of the lost and brokenhearted? 
He is here with you and among you; and yet who looks for the one who was persecuted and rejected because he spoke the truth for all to hear?
I tell you there is more wickedness now than ever before and the sweep to rid this world of evil is not going to be argued with.
Stay away from wicked people and choose your company wisely.
Be there for those who have sought your counsel and spiritual guidance as what you get you give and what you receive comes from me.
I am your Holy Spirit light and validator and the more you suffer under the pressure of the evil one, I give more to prove the one who sent me to you; and the people in your land is the same person promised to return in the end time of the era.
Unless they change and relent from their wicked ways I will turn my back on them forever and I am in the Father and the Father is in me.
My Father will turn away from hearing their prayer and call for help when the time comes.
Who can save the wicked one who thrives with death and destruction?
His armies cannot save him, but I can save the armies and send them all home.
Once the power is broken, what then will be done?
A tantrumming child does not win respect from anyone. 
I hold the Kingdom. 
I uphold the Kingdom now.'

Of the times the following scriptures are identified:

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. (James 4:3)

but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. (1 John 4:3)

And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4)

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice (Ephesians 4:31)

Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” (John 4:31)

Then He asked, “To what can we compare the kingdom of God? With what parable shall we present it? It is like a mustard seed which is the smallest of all seeds sown upon earth. (Mark 4:30-31) 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Lawless One, Reconnect the Jewish People - Guardian Angel Message Revisited

Looking through some papers, I came across a message penned in 2015. Precisely my process is documented and word for word what was given is written. This can be reflected on as the heavenly realms to not lie.

At the end of the message a scripture is identified.
Before this message I prayed to God. Our Guardian Angel is assigned to us by God as messengers and protectors as we navigate our way in this world. We are being protected by a veil to prevent us seeing the unseen evil. While we do not see the battle taking place in the invisible realms it is going on.

 Guardian Angel, Please guide me with what I need to know in my life now. Strengthen me in faith and protect me from any ills, harm and evil influence. Help me to understand your truth and what God wants me to do in this life. Lead me in light truth and enduring faithfulness. I trust God's Will and plan in my life and the future of humanity to be saved. Thank you.

Saturday 25th April 2015
Time 14:40 pm

Dear one, You are a light, a beacon of light for the heavenly order and yet you are nervous for your role. You are not alone dear one. 
You belong to the keepers of truth and this is your role. 
Preserve what is and clarify what is unknown to all you meet for many have questions and you seeking answers is a role that you must embrace and encourage others to do.
Do not rely on anyone and do not create dependency on you as you know this will limit the searcher for truth to a dead end when you are not there.
The teachers teach the pupils to learn to discover the truth from themselves.
You have chosen to learn to teach to learn and follow the light of truth since the ancient times. This has never changed.
The people who try to change have agenda or are influential to change.
What use is making a penny or two or a few pounds if this is to distract people from seeking the truth and this is what happens.
There are people who know God chooses His helpers to restore order on earth and there are those who corrupt the law creating disorder in this world. 
The wars invite reactions and oppression
Is a tyrannical mind of one that wants to be in control; he is to the blind but the enlightened ones are divine within their spirit to be in union and communion with the Father God.
Live your life knowing you are caught between two camps of warring tyrants who do not want to give up control, and in the end they will or will be removed.
This has happened before. 
The blocks to the stairway to heaven is deliberate to control and oppress. 
The gains to be had by control of land and resources supercede logic and logistics. 
The future is not preserved.
The plan to create a conforming workforce that must pay the fines and laws to the lawless one cannot go on. 
For humanity to thrive true liberty must be allowed and the freedom to grow, opportunity for learning and development must prevail to enable expanding minds and evolving souls to consider possibilities.
Why is it that some lands, your mother's land, build homes for their children and future generations to keep the family together. 
Yet in England people are deprived. They do not focus to do right by the children to provide security for all. 
There is a mentality that do not care and the vultures to take the inheritance of the children cannot be returned.
What is yours is yours.
Your greedy politicians and lawyers seek to gain and maintain control but they have nothing of value. 
A bomb can destroy their home.
An earthquake can destroy buildings.
A great flood over your land and what will they do?
You know this can happen and you know the turn of tides can happen too.
You must think about what you want to do and pick up the pieces of your life.
The house you saw could be yours if circumstance change.
You need money - an income; You need independence and freedom and You need to reconnect the Jewish people so that they can be free in their homeland.
The Lord will guide you in all you do and guide people to you.
The suffocation of your life is with the distractions and those who do not vale your spiritual essence.
Live among the faithful and you will see your life change; and stay away from those who do not value you and you will see that your time and energy will prevail with more to do
Time will be free to do as you feel guided to.
The opportunity awaits you when you are ready.
The refusal to do rightly by you and resistance you feel is a reflection of the higher order in this world.
You meet those who do not respect you. Those who do and those who do not understand you do not waste your time and energy.
People who wait for you are exclusive to the learning to evolve and you are their validating lamp.
You are their confirmation.
You are the one who has written the truth and validated the scriptures.
This is all you can do.
Your journey is not about making money or pleasing some overlord. 
You are serving God and Christ and We are your helpers.
So keep going and do not give up.
Remember we have spoken before now.
Our truth is what it is - unchangeable for you.
Write it down - reflect on the message and look back in months to come.
God bless you'
Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40)

The lawless one is identified in the message.

The Man of Lawlessness

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one who now restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and abolish by the majesty of his arrival. The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder,… and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them.… (2 Thessalonians 2:-10)

A Promise of Restoration

I will surely gather My people from all the lands to which I have banished them in My furious anger and great wrath, and I will return them to this place and make them dwell in safety. They will be my people and I will be their God. (Jeremiah 32:37-38)

Regarding belonging to the keepers of truth - back in 2012 after prayer to God asking for help to do all I can to assist peace between Muslims and Christians - I had a dream seeing prophet Muhammad. This dream is documented. The next morning an email arrived pointing me to Prophet Muhammad's letter' and here is the Monastery this document is located. (I am Greek Orthodox)

God chooses the most unlikely helpers and Muhammad was actually illiterate so not expected to write anything. He was unlikely seen as a threat. It is also taught that he was taken up out of this world and came face to face with the Lord who instructed him for the people. We know by this experience the Lord is alive and communicates clearly. Also if Muhammad was summoned to the Throne Room, God had his purpose in this too. No one can enter the Throne room unless summoned....having seen the Crowned King on his throne; I believe.

Returning people to God has been a long process.

Warnings and promises are written in the scriptures. If you renounce God what protection do you have? As I suffer, people have said to me face to face it is not better to forget God and Jesus - ha the enemy at work influencing.

I do not expect to live forever....

My soul will go on...
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

BETROTHAL - White Wedding Dress, Tower of David Jersualem 2015


Yesterday, out of millions of Youtube videos I was guided to see one and this is something I did not expect to see at all. A New Year discovery.

Back in 2015 a video was recorded of a WHITE WEDDING DRESS suspended over David's Tower in Jerusalem. Immediately remembering the vision of two angels bringing down a long white dress from heaven above. The sky was light blue in this. At the time I was laid on the sofa with my eyes closed with the curtains closed too. After this vision experience I went to see what is written in the Holy Bible and discovered a scripture about NEW JERUSALEM - dressed like a bride for her bridegroom...

In this New Year May we become able to live in a world with peace, and the Kingdom of God on earth with banishing sibling rivalry and the lust for power as God is The Boss. We are instructed to love one another. Why this commandment?

Whoever has ensured this dress is for all to see in Jerusalem did this for a reason. The interior vision of seeing the long white dress being brought down from the heavens is not something I would have even thought about or could have planned but it is the way God reveals His Truth so we know.

This dress in Jerusalem is seen as a reinforcing symbol 2015. Jesus is also a descendant of David King of the United Kingdom of Israel. Is the Bride of Christ a descendant too? What is the significance other than uniting people in the tribes of Israel. Is this not the plan God has already written?

The wedding dress on the tower of David in Jerusalem is how many people have named images of this white dress.

It is written:

'Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
5 Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

(Revelation 21:1-5)…

The date this is recorded to have taken place and reported on is in September 2015. Surely this is significant time.

'The wedding gown, created by leading Israeli artist Motti Mizrachi, is part of the 2nd Jerusalem Biennale for Contemporary Jewish Art, an event that blew into town as the Sukkot holiday got underway.' read more…/whats-that-huge-white-bridal-…/

The title of the website is clear with the image BETROTHAL.

No copyright infringement intended and much gratitude to be able to see this image and share in these times of revival.

There are artists that are inspired and I have no idea if this artist had an inspired experience for this installation. Everything has a reason and purpose and being creative with displays of symbolism allows the audience to decide and make up their own minds. This is the original video that set me on a journey to find out more information.

Peace be with you 
Pauline Maria

The Spirit of The Lord New Year Message 2nd January 2019

Messages over the course of history have carried warnings and also messages of hope. Every word is written as it was received and nothing is changed, added or taken away.

As 2018 has passed away this New Year 2019 is an opportunity for a new start in all things and remembering what is most important in life too.

Message: 2nd January 2018
Start time: 12:37 pm
End time:13:07 pm

'Can I get a better understanding of you if you turn turn to me? No.
If you turn to me you can get a better understanding of who I am, The beginning and the end and the alpha and the omega.
You have been with me in the beginning because your soul is the essence of me; and the people who do not know the truth are many being denied the truth.
Your Lord Creator did not change.
So many of you changed and rejected the truth so I return as before so you can see My Word does not change at all.
I will choose the most unlikely helpers not because they are worthy, but to show those who pretend to serve me who do not.
Their place in this world is not the same as my place and my grace and favor is not of this world; when they who deprive my people of their rights have no grace of favor in their hearts whatsoever.
Where is she who pretends to serve me who does not?
The game of minds and drugging people, to prosecuting those who are lost to survival - Where is she who rules and reigns with justice?
Do her servants allow justice to prevail or are their sights taken away again and again? 
You reject the Lord your God so many in your land and you think what you are doing is right. 
You lack compassion and patience and understanding, forgetting that you who work and are generously renumerated are to serve those who do not.
Stop your trickery to trip my people up or you will pay a very heavy price for what you do.
You destroy lives with your lies: said the Lord God Almighty 'and I will repay everyone for what they do.
Serve the Lord your God with all your heart; with compassion and care and the Lord will look upon you with compassion and care.
The s oLord loves his children but the children have no love for His Creation.
What will you do when compassion comes with his arms full of love?
My dear ones as you shut the door on those who come in on time for their needs - so the door will be shut on you when you call for yours/
My dears a shop is open for a time and closes at a time so why are you closing a minute beforehand?
What are you rushing home to?
The Lord can enter your lives at any time - even the last minute.
Will you reject him? 
Will you close the door on him?
Will you argue you are not paid for this time?
Well the Lord does not charge you a penny for his!
And you who find no time for the Lord, do you have time for your loved ones?
Do you push your children away when they turn to you for help, comfort and support?
Do you look into the eyes of God's Creation that was made inside of you and in your mother and grandmother too?
Did you forget the Lord your Creator, or do you remember the faces of strangers more?
As you look in the mirror, do you see the eyes of a soul incarnated for a time and purpose, or do you see a face you hardly recognize in it's natural state?
I do not want you to change who you are.
I want you to refine your heart and soul so you can clearly serve me in this kingdom as one  of my children; and be a beacon of faith in world where so many are struggling.
I did not come for the lofty ones who are secure in their places.
I came for the broken hearted and vulnerable who are more scared with what is going on.
If you have been abandoned by your immediate family - turn to me.
Turn to your Savior who loves  abundantly for he is not going to reject you whatsoever; and if you have been hurt and violated, know the precious ones who belong to the Lord are many who have been hurt and violated before you..
The Lord does not change and His love is not conditional.
He knows the flaws of man and the fallen woman who were hurt and lost when they were children.
But woe to those who plan my children to fall, for the adults raised by me are not of this world. They are spiritual and they have a purpose beyond what you are told.
Be favored by God in your lowliness then grace will come in abundance.
No money can buy me or gain entry to my world of wisdom and no one can claim to be born above the lowly people because I the Lord Almighty choose the lowliest of people to serve me and help remind you all of my Kingdom.
Now humble yourselves and live in the Kingdom of my creation and do no harm to anybody,
The brutes will come to their end with being humbled.
The earth will shake and all will remember their pain behind their hardened hearts.
Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and soul.
Know Your God and He will open the door for you'

Peace  be with you
Pauline Maria


Tuesday, 1 January 2019

New Year's Eve Message 31st December 2018

Personal revelation message

Message: 31st December 2018
Start time: 12:24 pm
End time: 12:55 pm

'Here I am. Here I speak to you in the realms of the Spirit essence; I can reach you in your soul.
You are my precious one and guided in your heart; and you feel the resistance of all who go against me.
Sweet one you are trying to break a mold of what was before and it cannot be done. 
They who do not work for me will not work for you in your favor. But they who are faced with guilt for what they do, how can they give up their grace and favor other than to take boldness to decide between right and wrong.
It takes responsibility to act with boldly doing right too.
The end of an era has come now and there are many who are feeling it and many resisting the truth.
You have seen the Lord Your God in the Spirit and in Truth and you are the one chosen for a specific purpose.
What can they do but resist God some more until they are brought to their knees too.
What persecutors of life exist so that power can be with fear and oppression; and the soul that rises above is no accident, for everything is ordained.
And your life suffering and pain was planned because the enemy of the people does not want the people to be free from oppression and chains.
See what they do - invent jobs and circumstance to justify work and cause confusion, where people must fight for their rights and that is because they have forgotten me.
They have no care for the life and soul of people when wages come first and the desolate land - the spiritually desolate land where you live is with many pretending to be Christians. But I am far from their heart and mind every day.
I have no interest in their lies, As they who love me will not resist speaking to you about me and there will be no resistance to pray either.
When two or more are gathered together in my name, I am amidst and where I am the Spirit of the Lord will respond accordingly.
My dear one, do not fret about anything.
Deal with one thing at a time and do not let the evil one be a burden in your life.
Your life is precious even in your weakened state and I will show even in weakness my truth will be known clearly too.
They who want more and wrong my people - do I go to them over and over again? Why should I?
If they reject me why should I go and prove myself?
The Lord God Almighty will let the wicked prosper and then they will suffer when they least expect. 
If you make a fortune and then suddenly lose everything you will feel it and nothing is for nothing in this way.
If you sow good seeds, the Lord your God will enable them to flourish and in small ways this is happening for you.
I will open a door for you to enter and I will sit with you by your side and you will know I am the one you have known all along.
I long prepared you to know.
There are people who know everything and you my love are a light in my kingdom in your soul. 
You are broken and the prideful ones who caused your fall have much to be ashamed of.
When the Judge comes to you, you know God is your Judge but who can say this is true when they betray God in their mission?
I ask for Justice with Mercy not robbing my people.
They who have refused to protect and preserve you are not of my service but their wages mean much and the want of more is never satisfied.  
If you apply yourself dear and fill out the formalities - then day by day as and when the mood takes you, write.
Write for me as I asked you to before. I ask no more other than you be peace in your heart and rest. 
If you are going to go on in the distance and travel on in the future, you must be willing to be free of the past and travel lightly and I will make those who scold you ashamed of what they have said and done.
The enemy of the people is real but you have me my love and I am your friend.
With God on your side the enemy is not trying anything to your detriment.
Just remember this and remember you can talk to me.
I am listening and the one calming your heart when the storm is coming in your land.
Never forget, focus on me.
Focus on the Lord God Almighty, Your God and My God and all will be well in this difficult time.' 


Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. (Isaiah 1:17)

Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him (Isaiah 30:18)

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. (Proverbs 17:17)

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. (Romans 12:9)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria