

Wednesday 2 January 2019

The Spirit of The Lord New Year Message 2nd January 2019

Messages over the course of history have carried warnings and also messages of hope. Every word is written as it was received and nothing is changed, added or taken away.

As 2018 has passed away this New Year 2019 is an opportunity for a new start in all things and remembering what is most important in life too.

Message: 2nd January 2018
Start time: 12:37 pm
End time:13:07 pm

'Can I get a better understanding of you if you turn turn to me? No.
If you turn to me you can get a better understanding of who I am, The beginning and the end and the alpha and the omega.
You have been with me in the beginning because your soul is the essence of me; and the people who do not know the truth are many being denied the truth.
Your Lord Creator did not change.
So many of you changed and rejected the truth so I return as before so you can see My Word does not change at all.
I will choose the most unlikely helpers not because they are worthy, but to show those who pretend to serve me who do not.
Their place in this world is not the same as my place and my grace and favor is not of this world; when they who deprive my people of their rights have no grace of favor in their hearts whatsoever.
Where is she who pretends to serve me who does not?
The game of minds and drugging people, to prosecuting those who are lost to survival - Where is she who rules and reigns with justice?
Do her servants allow justice to prevail or are their sights taken away again and again? 
You reject the Lord your God so many in your land and you think what you are doing is right. 
You lack compassion and patience and understanding, forgetting that you who work and are generously renumerated are to serve those who do not.
Stop your trickery to trip my people up or you will pay a very heavy price for what you do.
You destroy lives with your lies: said the Lord God Almighty 'and I will repay everyone for what they do.
Serve the Lord your God with all your heart; with compassion and care and the Lord will look upon you with compassion and care.
The s oLord loves his children but the children have no love for His Creation.
What will you do when compassion comes with his arms full of love?
My dear ones as you shut the door on those who come in on time for their needs - so the door will be shut on you when you call for yours/
My dears a shop is open for a time and closes at a time so why are you closing a minute beforehand?
What are you rushing home to?
The Lord can enter your lives at any time - even the last minute.
Will you reject him? 
Will you close the door on him?
Will you argue you are not paid for this time?
Well the Lord does not charge you a penny for his!
And you who find no time for the Lord, do you have time for your loved ones?
Do you push your children away when they turn to you for help, comfort and support?
Do you look into the eyes of God's Creation that was made inside of you and in your mother and grandmother too?
Did you forget the Lord your Creator, or do you remember the faces of strangers more?
As you look in the mirror, do you see the eyes of a soul incarnated for a time and purpose, or do you see a face you hardly recognize in it's natural state?
I do not want you to change who you are.
I want you to refine your heart and soul so you can clearly serve me in this kingdom as one  of my children; and be a beacon of faith in world where so many are struggling.
I did not come for the lofty ones who are secure in their places.
I came for the broken hearted and vulnerable who are more scared with what is going on.
If you have been abandoned by your immediate family - turn to me.
Turn to your Savior who loves  abundantly for he is not going to reject you whatsoever; and if you have been hurt and violated, know the precious ones who belong to the Lord are many who have been hurt and violated before you..
The Lord does not change and His love is not conditional.
He knows the flaws of man and the fallen woman who were hurt and lost when they were children.
But woe to those who plan my children to fall, for the adults raised by me are not of this world. They are spiritual and they have a purpose beyond what you are told.
Be favored by God in your lowliness then grace will come in abundance.
No money can buy me or gain entry to my world of wisdom and no one can claim to be born above the lowly people because I the Lord Almighty choose the lowliest of people to serve me and help remind you all of my Kingdom.
Now humble yourselves and live in the Kingdom of my creation and do no harm to anybody,
The brutes will come to their end with being humbled.
The earth will shake and all will remember their pain behind their hardened hearts.
Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and soul.
Know Your God and He will open the door for you'

Peace  be with you
Pauline Maria


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