

Tuesday 1 January 2019

New Year's Eve Message 31st December 2018

Personal revelation message

Message: 31st December 2018
Start time: 12:24 pm
End time: 12:55 pm

'Here I am. Here I speak to you in the realms of the Spirit essence; I can reach you in your soul.
You are my precious one and guided in your heart; and you feel the resistance of all who go against me.
Sweet one you are trying to break a mold of what was before and it cannot be done. 
They who do not work for me will not work for you in your favor. But they who are faced with guilt for what they do, how can they give up their grace and favor other than to take boldness to decide between right and wrong.
It takes responsibility to act with boldly doing right too.
The end of an era has come now and there are many who are feeling it and many resisting the truth.
You have seen the Lord Your God in the Spirit and in Truth and you are the one chosen for a specific purpose.
What can they do but resist God some more until they are brought to their knees too.
What persecutors of life exist so that power can be with fear and oppression; and the soul that rises above is no accident, for everything is ordained.
And your life suffering and pain was planned because the enemy of the people does not want the people to be free from oppression and chains.
See what they do - invent jobs and circumstance to justify work and cause confusion, where people must fight for their rights and that is because they have forgotten me.
They have no care for the life and soul of people when wages come first and the desolate land - the spiritually desolate land where you live is with many pretending to be Christians. But I am far from their heart and mind every day.
I have no interest in their lies, As they who love me will not resist speaking to you about me and there will be no resistance to pray either.
When two or more are gathered together in my name, I am amidst and where I am the Spirit of the Lord will respond accordingly.
My dear one, do not fret about anything.
Deal with one thing at a time and do not let the evil one be a burden in your life.
Your life is precious even in your weakened state and I will show even in weakness my truth will be known clearly too.
They who want more and wrong my people - do I go to them over and over again? Why should I?
If they reject me why should I go and prove myself?
The Lord God Almighty will let the wicked prosper and then they will suffer when they least expect. 
If you make a fortune and then suddenly lose everything you will feel it and nothing is for nothing in this way.
If you sow good seeds, the Lord your God will enable them to flourish and in small ways this is happening for you.
I will open a door for you to enter and I will sit with you by your side and you will know I am the one you have known all along.
I long prepared you to know.
There are people who know everything and you my love are a light in my kingdom in your soul. 
You are broken and the prideful ones who caused your fall have much to be ashamed of.
When the Judge comes to you, you know God is your Judge but who can say this is true when they betray God in their mission?
I ask for Justice with Mercy not robbing my people.
They who have refused to protect and preserve you are not of my service but their wages mean much and the want of more is never satisfied.  
If you apply yourself dear and fill out the formalities - then day by day as and when the mood takes you, write.
Write for me as I asked you to before. I ask no more other than you be peace in your heart and rest. 
If you are going to go on in the distance and travel on in the future, you must be willing to be free of the past and travel lightly and I will make those who scold you ashamed of what they have said and done.
The enemy of the people is real but you have me my love and I am your friend.
With God on your side the enemy is not trying anything to your detriment.
Just remember this and remember you can talk to me.
I am listening and the one calming your heart when the storm is coming in your land.
Never forget, focus on me.
Focus on the Lord God Almighty, Your God and My God and all will be well in this difficult time.' 


Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. (Isaiah 1:17)

Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him (Isaiah 30:18)

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. (Proverbs 17:17)

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. (Romans 12:9)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria 

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