

Friday 22 February 2019

'Can the Good Lord Stir From Sleep' Message 21st February 2019

Woken up with this message

Message: 21st February 2019
Start time: 7:38 am
End time: 8:05 am

'Can the Good Lord stir from sleep?'

'The widow weeps in her sleep not knowing the Good Lord preserves souls of goodness and in her loneliness he comforts her dearly.
Do you not know the orphans who are mine are cared for and nurtured too?
I never left you who were left without parents because life is taken prematurely.
Life is not taken completely.
My children, do good deeds and your souls will know life in the after world, that makes life as you know it to be lacking substance, kindness and fulfillment.
Your loved ones are promised and then cruelly snatched only to be returned again.
No one knows the Will of the Lord, or the possibilities beyond this world that has been prepared long ago.
The Return of The King to His people to gather again the righteous ones is not without reason.
Second chances are given to a people who did not understand the first. 
And the people who wait, wait patiently for the fulfillment of the Lord's Promise is not in vain.
Dear ones, let me lead my people in righteousness.
The god of war is unrelenting.
The God of Love is essential to life and the God of Love loves.
The battle is not yours.
The choice is yours.
Who do you serve?
You will be provoked to the limit to hate. 
Do not hate for the god of war will want you to shed blood for him.
The god of war wants to say ridicule for the believers in their loving God who is merciful. 
It is a power game and tests are many; yet choices are one way or the other.
Choose life or death to the soul.
Choose wisely.
You are better serving the Lord without vengeance and hatred for people wait for you to trip up and fall when traps are laid.
People wait for rage that is not holy in its essence at all.
The servants of the Lord God must be careful.
Do not be provoked to hate.
Judge not or you will be judged.
You may express observation and explain circumstance, yet the enemy knows when he harms the anointed of God.
The enemy thrives with pain, fear and sorrow as you become disabled to fulfill your cause and purpose in the Lord God Almighty. 
In your prayer in pain, your soul is being purified - so there is no lost cause, only time delayed; and in your prayer you prepare your soul for more understanding.
The Wisdom of the Lord is not given to the foolish and the corrupted souls can heal in prayer intention yet if their intention is to corrupt Holy Wisdom, it will not be given to them. 
The want of knowledge for agenda has no purpose in the divine plan. 
The enemy does not know the plan of God.
The enemy knows who the Lord has chosen for purpose and who can be corrupted to harm God's people 
The enemy is frustrated at the forgiveness and Great Mercy of the Lord God Almighty in the world today. 
As people change their hearts purified is a choice and intention with the help of the Lord.
The Great Healer comes with Great Mercy for the nations people and yet if they do not repent from wicked ways - how can repentance bring reparation?
The redemption of the Lord is foretold long ago, but some will be lost to the world. 
A few prepared to help in being lamp lighters emit love from the core of their being. 
Care and compassion on my people has been missing.
When all is good and plentiful people forget suffering and lack and yet the reminder of the Grace of God is given every day; and where you choose not to bless my people with kindness and care.
For if all you have to give is love in your heart, you are rich beyond measure.
Bless my people and you will be blessed.
The Lord loves and has Mercy on you so live with mercy towards others as they must learn their lessons too and they will.'

Of the times these scriptures are identified.

 “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.’” (John 7:38)

..and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil. (Luke 7:38)

 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires (Romans 8:5)

 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake. (Revelation 8:5)

The Lord spoke to me again: (Isaiah 8:5)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria


1 comment:

  1. Blessed be to you Ms. Pauline Maria,

    Max Millionz
