

Wednesday 6 March 2019

'Fight For Your Life With The Spirit of Truth' Message 4th March 2019

Message was initiated by hearing the openng words, noting the time and continuing to write what was given in precision. Afterwards scriptures are identified related to the times.

Message: 4th March 2019
Start time: 1:44-1:45 am
End time: 2:14 am

'Hear me dear one'

'Fight for your life with the Spirit of Truth for you are a truth teller in the Lord Almighty's realm that so many have dealt treacherously with my people.
I tell you again imperfect one and sinner you are but you are willing to let go of worldly ways and follow the way of truth in the heavenly realms. 
Call my people, call them and call them again.
Repent from your wicked ways until it is too late for there is nothing stopping what is to come on your land and the evil they have done to my people cannot be forgiven.
I will not listen to their prayers and pleas for mercy, those who murder my people and I will not forgive the desperate plea of those who rob the widows and orphans knowing they cannot survive in the murderous land.
They who enslave my people to conformity have disregarded My Law and My Holy Order and the souls incarnated to serve Me in rightousness are not to be entrapped to serve evil.
Do not compromise your soul dear one. 
Do not compromise your soul for the glimmer of revelation shown to you - all can come crashing down.
Can you live simply for me and can you be honest to those who seek your counsel when in need?
The lack is starvation of faith and looking to a throne beyond this world - the enemy of the people cannot reach.
I hear your worry and concern and yet keep going and you will see more will want to serve the Lord God than be murderous compromising their soul.
Oh my people you did not care enough to look after your families and wanted more not thinking where this comes from. 
And She who laughs secure in her position has no care if people perish.
And She who wants more and more never satisfied is not happy at all.
It is a drug fuelled society - recreation or not.
I cannot save my people if they turn away from me and look to the idols.
I will not open the eyes of the blind until they are ready to see or the shattering of minds will take place. 
I will not lead those who go against me into the Holy Place and I will not allow My Chosen ones to be shut out of the Gate.
All who find me in humility will be welcome to come and go and in the heartfelt moment, I know my lost children who call out to me to help them.
I am just a thought away and the comforter of your soul.
I am the maker of all that comes to be from prayerful hands.
Love will blossom in your land and new life and yet who will break this, that I Your Lord and King made happen?
You are like a mother to the children of those you prayed for and I have shown you precision in all things.
Watch and I will show you more for the selfless prayer has purpose and the ones who hurt and reject you have much to be guilty of.
You are loved and you are hated by a childish mind that is spiteful and selfish. 
All could have me clearly talking to their hearts and souls but they want something else instead. 
As you wake up in your realisation, you will see your family stole what was yours and yet you hold onto your dear life clinging to me - not looking at the loss - looking at the principle and cause.
They who rob their elderly parents to deprive them of a home, what price is on their soul?
You are right and justified to walk away and the truth will prevail.
Why would My handmaid see clearly unless her heart was pure with her God?
My dears, think before you hurt your children, your brother and sister and let not of you cause the innocent to fall. 
I will deal with the traitors in prayer.
They who kill will be no more.
I will do it and My people will be rescued from the enemies snare.
Keep track of the truth from The Lord.
Your Lord and King is righteous and he is Mighty and Gentle too beloved'

 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” (Luke 1:44-45)

“See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”  Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news. As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere. (Mark 1:44-45)

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests." (Luke 2:14)

“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. (Hosea 2:14)

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. (2 Corinthians 2:14)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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