

Saturday 2 February 2019

"If Man Restricts Life He Restricts Progress" Message 2nd February 2019

Message: 2nd February 2019
Start time: 12:00 - 12:01
End time: 12:31

"I want you to write for me"

'In the beginning He said "Let there be light" and there was light.
Before this there was darkness and desolation. 
As I ask you to think about this in the time of darkness and desolation, will the people allow light and the Lord's grace pour out on the nations?
Would you rather live in spiritual darkness - trusting man instead of God?
With man there is desolation.
With God there is life; and with life there is prosperity by effort and favor. 
If you help one another, you spread good cheer; and reciprocated help is with sharing energy exchange.
The work of one is halved with help and twice as much is done in half the time.
The ease to do, to complete tasks and give orders for others to do the same is without considering my mission for humanity.
I have taken the man who was lost to find his purpose and fulfillment; and the strong man to use his strength in ways that construct purpose, not waste away in frustration.
It is not good for man to do nothing because his mind can become frustrated; and an angry man is a destructive man to himself.
The man who loves is not with agenda. He wants to give and to do. He wants to make a house a home.
The man who longs for a child is longing to be a father and build security. 
It is the seed of life planted by God of the ages to pro-create and his wife is chosen. 
When two people are ready it will happen as God has ordained it to happen - as with everything that is happening now.
The force of will is going against God the Creator who guides souls in the right direction. 
The want of superficial gain will be gone tomorrow or the next day. 
The want of more will never be satisfied.
The soul years for love, acceptance and belonging.
In  the material world, the soul remains hidden within because the want of life is more. 
When you think life comes from possessions - you are wrong. 
Your want for more to show off is strong when the big sell is making  this happen.
The debt created is with never being satisfied.
Your debtors know what they are doing.
Man can build so many mountains with waste, while in the world people starve with no chair to sit on.
I come to your table and see. 
Do you eat for me, for nourishment or for greed?
Do you bless other people who come in my name to bless you with their presence?
Do you accept my word as my gift to you? - A man who does not work for a living wage but prays and creates for you so you can be fulfilled.
If I work,  I work as the Father guides me, and if I build a home the Father has guided me.
My spouse is not dissatisfied because the Father leads her in righteous deeds and she sees this passage in time is what it is.
If your world is with time thinking material gain - who is this for?
If your family do not provide and help your grow - who helps you grow and heal?
The Lord provides in ways man cannot fathom; and He hides His face so the sincere in faith will seek him.
The Spirit of the Lord manifests reality and changes structures on earth. 
A mountain can be flattened and made low; a valley lifted high. 
How is this possible?
Do not seek to build your wealth on a mountain, without the substance of the Lord  - for He lays down the foundation of all things.
And if you build a home side by side, is this not encouraging distance?
The land is needed to produce energy and food.
Artificial energy focus by machine to live and breathe is an earthly phenomenon by minds inspired to fix a problem.
When agenda is to control the earth and airspace - this is a problem Your Lord must fix.
The Prince of the power of air is a great deceiver and the invincible one is not invincible. 
There is One who has been given Life and The Life Giver has given him Power to restore all things. 
There is no need to pay for electricity - for the Lord gives for purpose. 
If man restricts life he restricts progress.
The Lord Your God will not be ignored for the critical times are upon the world and it is the last chance to take notice. 
Choose wisely who you serve.
You will be a slave to the world or a child in the Kingdom of God.
You are free and have free will to worship the Lord God Almighty given to you'

Of the times some scriptures are identified.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1)

Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. (Revelation 12:31)

Later the postman knocked and asked if I would accept a parcel for a lovely neighbor. Giving my name he replied 'My mum WAS called Pauline'. He seemed emotional; we spoke about his loss. A son who loves and misses his mum. Today his partner is expecting their first child. He mentioned their similarities and both losing their mums. Leaving he said 'we even both have the same birth sign' - His way to recognize they were meant to meet and be together.

A humble young man with love and hope in his heart 

The time of our communication 3:15 pm it is written:

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;' (I Peter 3:15)

A postman knocks to deliver parcels and messages. The revealed scripture in this time is to also especially remember in God there is hope... 

Do not give up on love because it is not 'exciting' - a man who is careful with his heart who loves with all his heart will respect your heart and mind and inspire love too.

True love cannot be bought or sold for any price.


Some people see dandelion as nuisance weeds - yet not everyone knows food is provided - the delicate seed goes wherever the wind blows. 

As fragile as the dandelion seed is true love - evidently seen. The energy of real love is expanding to go wherever the love energy flows. 

Jesus loves with all his heart and all his soul.  

With true love there is life....  

In the Lord's Prayer we are instructed to 'forgive our debtors'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria


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