

Friday 1 February 2019

'The Great Spirit Is Not Limited in Location' Message 31st January 2019

This message came in two parts interrupted by a telephone call that provided another validation of the Lord's promise earlier in the evening. Provision is given in various ways.

In total the words 'I will provide for you'  were given.

Message: 31st January 2019
Start time: 20:57
End time: 22:13

'I will provide for you. Don't worry about a thing.
All are perishing in some way in faith or circumstance; or ills that challenge life even. 
I am the life giver to all who seek me in truth and you are the lantern for my light. Thank you.
Today you saw goodness and hearts softened to see circumstance for what it is.
The cruel world is with much evil intent on my people who will see in nothingness. 
I do not abandon them. 
Who sees you struggle as you speak of me.
The light of faith does not go out to my people in your land; and who joke with you might joke about you too, but I see what is written in your heart.
I sent joy and affection with caring people making themselves known close to you; And who are the helpers encourage to sow seeds of goodness to the people who are of Christ and suffering. 
Take your biscuits and share with those who appreciate and keep strong in me, for I am the Almighty and I will not abandon my people who return whole-heartedly.
You are one in a million and each one is one in a million. 
I chose a large amount of helpers in numbers but small in the population to serve quietly and inspire and serve the community.
The Spirit of the Lord is the Teacher of Truth.
If the Spirit of the Lord is not teaching you, it is an earthly ministry.
The rejection of truth is with ignorance and greed and misguided loyalty. 
I did not divide my people and I did not put conditions on faith.
I said: "Repent and be baptized every one of you for the remission of sins"
And I did not say "You have the power of God" to use and abuse my people. 
I came and glorified the Father in my prayer intention and showed the miracles of the Father; and possible to restore faith and preserve life in its fullness.
The body might be  tired - the spirit is not tired; and the bones might break - the soul never sleeps. 
You are not of your body as I am not of my body and yet you were born of your mother's womb as I am born of my mother's womb.
My Father did not ignore his people. He hid his face and in doing this I remained hidden too.
Who can see me is in the Spirit of the Lord and who sees the Holy Spirit of the Lord is with the Spirit revealed.
Let the mysteries of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit of the Father be seen in separateness  and also One.
As the Spirit of the Father breathes in me I live and with the Spirit of the Father within me I see who lives and who perishes.
Do they not know I come so all can live and know the Spirit of Truth in truth?
Ask them this. Write this and let them see.
The word of the Lord will never fail His people and the Lord of His people did not disappear.
People forget the Spirit of the Lord is not limited by space and dimension.
The Great Spirit is not limited in location and the big freeze in America has shown the people again, if they turn their hearts to the Lord their sins will be forgiven.
In your land the murderers thrive unknowingly.
What guilt will be felt when the realization to cause fall and destitution.
What remorse will be felt in the realization to cause so much death, but is this an excuse of justification
You are not allowed to serve those who do evil to my people and...'

(Message stopped with telephone interruption at 21:19 - continuing afterwards resuming 22:13 noting down the times to document in context)

'You are to help those who help you and not resent you, and you are to lift up the lowly in station to remind them all are equal in the eyes of God, Your Lord Almighty The Creator of all living things.
My beings of light are what they are, but the Lord of Shadows does not want the Light of Truth to shine.
As you are uplifted so you will uplift others;
And as you are gracious to others in sincere and pure heart, so graciousness will be bestowed upon you and so it is.
Let not the bullies tell you what you should or should not be doing. 
They either serve me or not;
And you are a daughter of the Kingdom of God and you are a child of the Israelite kingdom too - And the Lord Your God will rule and reign over His people as it is written and promised long ago.
The Lord wins this battle because it is time to claim back all the souls who are lost.
No more will they mislead my people and My Church is preserved in truth forever more'

With the time 20:57 being 8:57 pm it is written

"May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our ancestors; may he never leave us nor forsake us." (I Kings 8:57)

In the message end Revelation 22:17 is written:

'The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.' 

Guided to find this - No copyright infringement intended.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria




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