

Monday 18 March 2019

The Father is Of The Meek and Lowly' Message 18th March 2018

This message initiated with 'Tell my people' - Followed by prayer, the message is documented exactly as recieved and given.

Message: 18th March 2019
Start time: 16:34 pm
End time: 16:59 pm

'Tell my people'

'Help me and I will help you.
Serve me and I will use you to further the Kingdom of God without question or request.
My dear ones, humble yourselves and you will see I am the humble one who reaches hearts and souls of those who are sanctified for the purpose.
Do not shout too loud or boast about my name for I am not arrogant and do not seek fame. 
Go quietly among the flock and be beacons of faith even in your hardship.
People look down and wonder why does God not help the lowly widow or the orphan left with no one, but they do not know the plans of God.
The Father is of the meek and lowly, the most loving perfect Father who is merciful to all who sin and repent to Him. 
Who is to decide that?
And who is to decide to be lofty rulers over those they oppress, so to make headway - For what?
What do they gain?
What if the gain is the whole world at the price of the soul?
What then?
It will be one less to rise up in future generations to lead the world astray.
The world is at war and people confused.
There is a war for your souls.
But I the humble one will not shout to get you or pressure you to follow me as this is the way of the world.
The most wealthy in material ways can share yet the amass of wealth that will be gone in another generation is not.
Take care of the poor, the elderly and the fatherless orphans and do not deny the child's inheritance, for the Lord Almighty will recon of you what you take from the people.
In your land they deny the Lord Almighty and the Spirit of Truth because it does not bring favour.
If you wrong people, how can you expect favour?
If you cause injustice and refuse the rights of the people, how can you expect favour?
How can blessings fall upon those who plot to murder my people?
The winner does not win at all.
The targets to be met for extra wages is a trick to the soul.
There is no regard for the people anywhere because all have fallen short of the Kingdom of God.
The rise of the evil one comes because you have forgotten me.
Do you reject me my people who I took under my wing of sacred guardianship?
Did you forget the Lord God Almighty - The Creator of all creation?
I cannot my children.
I  pledged my life for my people and even if I was rejected, I made a promise to My Father and to your Father to look after you.
Your soul does not belong to the enemy.
The enemy will pretend to be serving me who is not. 
Who is sounding out your voice - a call in the wilderness for righteous justice for the people to remember the Kingdom of God?
No they want the kingdom that rejects me and that is their choice.
Do the people want to be well and healed?
Many want to remain in a position of gains even right at the top of the social structure.
They worship gains and do not understand serving in truth.
They expect adoration and respect but for what and what did they do?
Who repects Your Lord and King, the God of the ages tested severely?
I am not respected Pauline my dear because I cannot be manipulated.
I cannot be bribed
I will not corrupt the law and I will not deprive anyone of their rights either.
You hear me clearly in your heart and soul because the Spirit of Truth dwells within you.
You take very seriously the State of The Lord God Almighty, the pinacle of all who cannot be reached except by the most lowly.
I am sorry you suffered but now you see why no favour will be shown to those who wronged you in my name and in the earthly courts of hypocrisy.
They cannot correct what they have done.
There is no remorse for the millions of people killed and nothing will ever be the same again. 
I come so they may have life and yet life means relinquishng the evil one.
I come in humility.
Tell them this and do not alter a word for The Lord Almighty has spoken clearly through this vessel'

With the times scriptures are identified:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34)

The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole household. (Acts 16:34) 

At their cries, all the Israelites around them fled, shouting, “The earth is going to swallow us too!” (Numbers 16:34)

This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will deal with you as you deserve, because you have despised my oath by breaking the covenant. (Ezekiel 16:59)

In another scripture it is written:

The earth is defiled by its people; they have transgressed the laws; they have overstepped the decrees and broken the everlasting covenant. (Isaiah 24:5)

In the opening words given 'Tell my people' it is written:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria



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