

Sunday 10 March 2019

'I Gave You My Word And Instruction' Message 10th March 2019

Message: 10th March 2019
Start time: 10:31 am
End time: 10:59 am

'Don't worry'

'Hear the rain falling outside. I do it for you all to know on earth abundance of fruits and the birds to feed and spread the seed.
Without the birds the seeds will not be spread to flourish elsewhere; and the wind blows strenthening the trees.
You are like trees planted on the ground I the Lord have prepared. 
You want to be satifised not realising I am the Provider of your sate and I will fulfill my mission with My Children.
Yes you are My Children you lost souls.
You are My Children of the heavenly realms sent down with a mission to return again - with a soul mission accomplished. 
How can you give materially to an unsatisfactory recipient and how can you give spiritually if the materialistic are never satisfied?
You are invisible to a people who want more and your ministry is drowned out by the sound of the noise.
I gave you my word and my instruction. 
Draw near to Me and I will draw near do you.
Serve Me and I will give to you my promise and My Word; and never have I withheld my truth from those who seek me sincerely.
Be guided in truth and by the Spirit of the Lord in your quietness; and stay away from the noise and charismatic leaders.
I have chosen the broken and those who fear the Lord in humility who question what is going on.
If you ask: Is this right or if this is your will Lord? Remember what I give to you is My Will but who Rebels against Me is warned about.
I told My People long ago 'I will separate you and make you mine and If you follow my Holy Law and Statutes I will be Your God and you will be My People'
You will dwell safely in the land the God of all has chosen when the people do not rebel and serve the evil one. 
Turn to Me My Children for your souls are not of your body; and your body is poisoned by earthly contamination.
Your minds confused by demands of the earthly demands and Godless rule. 
My Children I will call you near again and again.
Do not forget Your Lord Creator for Salvation is promised when you know the Saviour of your souls.
Do not be hypnotised by the man of distraction and do not be taken in by false promises.
I am the provider of soul food and replenishment of the soul.
Talk to me and I will listen to you.
Come to me with a clean contrite heart in all humility.
Close your door of the noise and focus on the Lord your Creator and fill your being with thought of Me for I will  guide you in this difficult time.
There will be days of lack and days of plenty but you are not without. 
You have food and clothes to wear and you have a roof over your head. 
The traitors steal from you to steal from Me.
Now ask them to stop their crimes against you and Me.
My handmaiden is called to Serve Me now and where is her provision?
The State robs the people. 
The State robs my handmaiden because they did not recognise her right and my placement of her on this land is to remind people in humility who is the King of The United Kingdom
There are not two kings in your land that has forgotten me.
There is One because the other does not meet the criteria to be Lord over My People. 
The perisher has no love for the people, but My Son has Love for all if only they could realize who he is; and My Love and Mercy does not fail with the repentant.
Now tell the wicked ones to stop now or they will not realize what will come upon them until it is too late.
Heal the pain.
Stop the vengeance.
Stop the Jealousy - There is nothing to be jealous of.
You want nice clothes - seek the one who will make you nice clothes and you want to wear designer labels - Do you see I am the designer of everything? 
You dress in finery or in rags. It is your inner covering that matters and what is written in your heart and soul.
You cannot buy the Lord God Almighty.
I find the people who are the most unlikely in your eyes and mind.
Stop with your power lust and want to control.
I am the Navigator and Commander of the Universe - You cannot do it.
Now, what do you want so your soul can rest peacefully when you sleep?
I am listening.' 

Scriptures are identified with the times.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:31)

But many that are first shall be last; and the last first. (Mark 10:31)

and the Most High will show you in those dream visions what the Most High will do to those who inhabit the earth in the last days.” So I slept that night and the following one, as he had told me. (2 Esdras 10:59)

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Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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