

Sunday 7 July 2019

Davidic Crown Coin Minted Israel: King Jesus

A few days after 'seeing Jesus' I saw this article.

Sanhedrin Mints King David Coin to Usher in Davidic Dynasty

This really did not surprise me - not seeing the connection at first. Then realising only days before Jesus revealed himself to me - I wondered...and could not ignore the connection.

It is written: 'As the next stage in the Messianic process, the Sanhedrin of Israel released a new coin honoring King David in preparation for re-establishing the Davdic Dynasty. ' 

The Trump-Cyrus coin has been issued, with following President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  The new coin is symbolising that an upcoming era is dawning. 

The coin was issued the day after the holiday of Shavuot.

According to Jewish tradition, Shavuot is a significant time when King David was born and also died on the holiday. 

On the holiday of Shavuot, Jews read the Book of Ruth that identifies her union with Boaz, with their being the grandparents of King David.

Ruth was the first person who recognized God is the king,
The coin bears the name of David and the image of a crown
The rebuilding of the temple has been of significant debate and speculation. There has appeared to be a matter of urgency as it is connected in time with either before; when the Messiah will appear. 

Being ready...and not being too late.

The above article was published around the time of my dream/vision experience already explained, seeing Jesus standing on top of a wall. I was standing cloae at a lower level on the ground. 

Sometimes names stand out for a reason. President Elect Donald Trump (Trump, was he to make a noise as a trumpet...what is he announcing?) The role of President Donald Trump is with his significant role including the announcing the waiting for the arrival of the Messiah...perhaps. 

What is ignored that we are meant to take notice of?

Identified in the article 'Mordechai Persoff established the Mikdash Educational Center'. Marketing the coin holds significance with this new project having a greater purpose.

The name Mordechai was revealed in prayer with the role of Esther with the Jewish people - In prayer cupping the Holy Bible, I opened a page to what stood out immediately as if I was meant to take notice. This is the understanding given 'if anyone harms the Jews they shall surely come to ruin'. 

In the beginning of seeking understanding of what I am meant to know, I asked in prayer to be guided in the right way; Immediately afterwards the following words were given simply:

'Crown of David' 

Typing just this in Google I was taken to a scripture.

For this is what the LORD says: David will never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel, (Jeremiah 33:17)

Another recent scripture discovery read Psalm 35:25-26

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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