

Sunday 7 July 2019

Dream/Vision: Jesus Standing On A Wall (Israel/Jerusalem)

...While mislaying notes about a recent dream, this experience was shared on Facebook and what happened since. Any experiences 'seeing Jesus' are documented to refer back to.


Jesus was standing on top of a wall built with stone. He was looking down to me a lower level standing on the ground on the other side of the wall; looking up seeing him.  He was not smiling. He seemed serious and thoughtful. He did not speak. He was wearing white with no head covering.

In this experience it was daylight outside and bright with the blue sky above him. His long white clothes were clean. The material appeared thin. He was seen as a man in the flesh.

His brown wavy hair appeared cut just above his shoulders. His hair moved as if by a gentle breeze. I did not focus on his feet but have the impression he was wearing sandals.

His skin tone on his face copper - lightly tanned, He did not have dark skin.

The stone of the wall was pale sand colour with orangey colour 'cement' holding the stones together. This colour may have been this hue due to the positioning and sunshine. It appeared much darker in comparison with the pale coloured stone. The stone wall was level at the point Jesus was seen to be standing.  I was positioned, as if at a location standing near to the wall.

No other people were seen, or the surrounding area. 

My focus was only seeing Jesus, the wall and clear blue sky.

Some words came to mind while writing this:


Jerusalem wall image in the public domain.

'Validation, Validation, Validation' came to mind again too.

God will validate what we are meant to know - such experiences cannot be planned and seem beyond human analysis/reasoning. However, the Holy Spirit within can be revealing too.

Validation: What is shown and revealed.
Validation: What is written
Validation: ..., and what comes to pass.

This is the understanding that seems apparent with revelaiton.

There are certain promises made by God to His people.

One of the promises that Jesus is returning to His people. 

By this experience and the timing, came as a reminder to hold onto the truth revealed and what is written in the Holy Scriptures that validates that Jesus is alive.

However, also something else revealed to take notice of that.

Everything has reason and purpose. Everything has timing.

While reading an article written for a Jewish audience, it referred to a prophesy of Jesus appearing to Israel in the year 5773. This year corresponds with the year 2012-2013.

This dream/vision experience was seen very clearly, just upon waking; also 'as if' Jesus was on location somewhere.....The very first impression with this experience

'He is Here...He is revealing himself to His people now'.

Listening to a Jewish rabbi speaking, He spoke of the Mashiach returning and remaining hidden.  

Assuming Jesus was seen in Israel - in the City of David, this experience has demonstrated how he is revealing himself and to other people who will have the same experience.

Jesus is a descendant of David so this particular land and location is connected with him and his ancestors - this being revealed as so to consolidate precision of prior truths.

Is something else happening on this particular land today?

There is now a growing community of 'Jews for Jesus'

Some time ago I had a vision, while resting with my eyes closed. Two angels were descending with a long white dress from the heavens. Rushing to see what is written in the scriptures - 'New Jerusalem is identified as coming down from heaven like a bride dressed for her bridegroom.

Then since, this identified as an art installation - a white wedding dress raised up over the tower of David, is reported in this article.

This came to my attention by watching videos of the Holy land.

Jesus being related to David is  written in the Holy Bible:

How is it possible to be in the Heart of England, facing Jesus in another geographic location, Israel? I have never been to Israel or Jerusalem to draw from memory.

I have never studied the scriptures or been indoctrinated with religious teaching - however, I am curious to seek the truth, clarity and understanding when wanting to learn more.

For instance when words came to mind, I seek what is written using Google search adding 'BIBLE' amd if these words were found in the Holy Bible scriptures are easily identified like this. 

While sleeping the soul does not sleep. This is a mystery,

In the course of ancient history, people were given visions and messages in the form of divine revelation and instruction. Revelation has been gathered and documented in books in the Holy Bible.

The soul is not limited to the physical body. Our body houses our soul. Our soul can travel through time and space...there is no limit in geographical location. The Holy Spirit within reveals.

We are invited 'to hold on' and look to Him in these difficult times. 

It is also written HE WILL WIPE AWAY OUR TEARS...

There appears to be great distraction for the return of Jesus.

God can draw His People to see and reveal whatever we are meant to see at any time. If we are called for a specific purpose, and made a promise to God this will be.expected too.

The scriptures write 'Everyone will see him'.

Jesus said He will return. He is the validator of truth.

 Jesus Christ revealing himself to many people now.

The Teacher is teaching with precision spiritually.

The Holy Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit of Truth.

We are instructed to become like little children - be receptive to learn with pure hearts and pure intentions too.

Jesus said 'Blessed are those who have not seen yet believed' - no one is excluded and there is no competition. However the spiritual attacks and difficulties faced are not easy to bear.

 Christ conquers and has conquered...with His LOVE!

The scriptures are written to validate and contemplate.

The Spirit of the Lord reveals whatever God wants us to see. The Spirit of the Lord within Jesus allows Him to reveal Himself to whoever - even if we do not know the reason.

Because this dream/vision revealing Jesus on location somewhere, I assume people connected with this location (tribes of Israel) would know he is returning and maybe expecting him.

DREAM/Vision Analysis - looking at what is revealed

Jesus is revealed as being alive ...again.

He is standing on top of the wall 'in a physical location',

He appear very much alive and in the flesh.

The land He is standing on is connected to him, 

The Holy Bible writes Jesus is a descendant of David. David was the chosen anointed King of the United Kingdom of Israel. The City of David is named specifically.

He stands alone - on a higher level. He stands tall.

He looks down (towards me) He makes himself known and can easily lift people up to be face to face.

He appeared humble and strong. He dressed simply.

He did not wear a crown or head covering: prayer shawl.

His clothes a thin weave material in appearance. The impression of a warm climate was assumed with this. The sky was bright blue above him.

His brown wavy hair appeared to move, suggesting a gentle wind. This detail provided insight that 'he is here somewhere' where the wind is blowing gently.

The wall has structure, I do not know if this is an old wall uncovered, or rebuilt, or a new wall built on the foundations of the old. I did not try analyse this at the time; nor seek to..

Reading, there has been excavation work in Israel recent years.

Jesus is something to do with the wall. He is the wall.

The Master Builder - He is the next level of building

'Of the Temple' comes to mind

Remembering there is scripture about 'the cornerstone'

'“‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone’?' (Luke 20:17)

Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? (Matthew 21:42)

This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. (Acts 4:11)

Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: ‘Whoever believes will not be in haste.’ (Isaiah 28:16)

Something else to think about with what is written.

And he will become a sanctuary and a stone of offense and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (Isaiah 8:14)

It is also written:

As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5) Image result for temple ruins city of david

Finally it is written:

He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

A Temple in the Lord - Read more Ephesians 2:17-22

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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