

Tuesday 9 July 2019

'I am Here Now' Message July 4th 2019

Personal Revelation Message

The message is written as given word for word.

Message : July 4th 2019
Start time: 2:30 am
End time: 2:53 am

'You see there is nothing I have told you before that did not happen as I said it would. So hold on now for the road is rocky ahead. 
I am here now and those who love me see me and those who reject me do not.
I reveal myself to whomsoever I want and hold back to those who are not ready to accept the Grace of Truth.
By circumstance you were saved by the Grace of Truth by the Almighty who took pity on you for your pitiful state. 
I hurt to see you suffer and fall and this took place by the decisions you make. 
Choose the right company and you will be blessed.
Choose company that challenges you - you will both learn something and heal that which is not.
Choose wisely your decisions for time and energy and set your boundaries for you will be hit hard with anger at one who can manipulate you no longer.
Hold onto me and know I have saved you from the enemy snare of trickery to influence evil on those close to you. 
Love and mercy, love and mercy. Feel love and show mercy for all can know the truth of me when they see my broken handmaiden still loves despite she is hated and rejected.
I singled you out for a purpose as others are given a purpose, but  I do not tolerate hypocrites causing souls to be lost in my name. 
You know when to back away and when your job is done.
You are my Holy Orthodox Church - not alluring the innocents to be snared and taken away in trust.
As the children have seen me where you are - look how time has passed
I did not forget the child who needs my love and assurance and the little girl bringing smiles will not be able to be taken away from me that easily.
Pauline I told you I will grant you rest and this was not understood. 
The enemy of the people is active in your land and yet there are those waking up. 
Do not be part of the ignorant loyalists who reject Your King and The Father Almighty and resist being put into discussions to trip you up about spiritual matters by those who do not want to learn and understand. 
You have been given certain understanding and you have years of study to expand learning. 
Now to put all that learning given to you to make a positive difference was stunted over and over again.
Well my dear I am here now and my people who are called by my name are who they are. 
Nothing can stop the truth even if the truth is denied.
And my people are the Inheritance of The Lord to bring the Jews and Gentiles back.
This Kingdom will be restored and transformed and all peoples will know God The Father sent me and I am the Son born who loves my people.
I do not lead my people to slavery and I do not oppress my people.
I do not worship false idols and I do not teach this to do.
If anything the people have been warned over and over again.
You have been tested and your ethical approach to have work that is paid will not allow you to harm anyone at all.
When those who hate me hate you it is to hurt me and this hatred provokes The Father Almighty.
Bear with me in this situation just a little longer for I will rectify the wrongs and never will the God mockers rise again. 
Your land is filled with hard hearts that will be softened and many will weep.
Those who hate me will gnash teeth.
The Lord God Almighty will not be defied.
I am His Son and I obey His commands.
I return for my people.
Who loves me does not deny I live and I died for my people and was raised again. 
I am the resurrection and life giver to all'

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king, and that thou mayest know the thoughts of thy heart. (Daniel 2:30)

For my eyes have seen your salvation (Luke 2:30)

Not finding a scripture with 2:53 instead  it is written 53:2 (with the opportunity to see and read what is written to expand and reinforce our understanding. We are given again the reminder that God looks upon this earth at all the children of men...)

God looked forth from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there were any man of understanding, that did seek after God. (Psalm 53:2)

Independence Day is commemorated 4th July.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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