

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Dream 'Star of David Stone and Shekinah Glory' 9th July 2019

Before laying down on the sofa, I had put on.a youtube video, soon afterwards sleeping. The video might be significant as the subconscious mind filters and can bring forth information while in sleeping. Even so, the dream experience is as explained, as recollected.


It is daylight outside.  I am a rear seat passenger in a car looking out the left hand window. The vehicle turns left around the corner. I did not see the driver of the vehicle.

Noticing the front and then side of a modern style detached house. The land looks like it had been recently cleared, or a new build. Perhaps demolition of an older building took place before.. The long attached garage - seen as turning the corner, appears as if an extension.

Momentarily I see a glimpse of a man inside what I have thought is the garage - the door was open. I cannot see clearly,  yet he is wearing a light (cream) hat. I could not see his face.

Next I am inside a small narrow room - like a hallway painted white. On the left hand side there is a white shelf with a bottle with pale blue liquid. The room appeared to be freshly painted.

Next I am inside a large empty room - no other people can be seen. Then I notice a man is walking near the side door to my left as if entering the main room. He then goes through a side entrance on the left from where I was sitting.   I did not notice or recall other details of the room..

The impression of light colour or white seats - just a side aisle where the man was walking is recalled - not sure 100% if revealed symbolism to my subconscious mind or actual physical form. From this I am given the impression I was inside a House of Prayer.

Still in the main room, I am sitting on a chair at a small white table with my hands in a bowl. My focus seeing my hands with the same colour blue liquid as seen in the bottle. The pale blue liquid appeared to have a shimmer and moved with a thicker density than water.

My hands were partly immersed moving through the blue liquid sticking on the side of the white bowl. Visually it appeared sticky yet easily removed with my palms from the side of the bowl and also from my hands and fingers.

The physical feeling was 'comforting'...

Next the young man is walking towards the side door on the left of the room - I follow him (carrying a Byzntium purple colour cushion I was sleeping on in reality at the time of this dream)

Next I am in a smaller room facing a STONE with the STAR OF DAVID engraved with a circle.  Visually the stone was a bell shape outline with a narrow top and slightly curving outwards to the bottom. I did not know if an altar, HEAD STONE - CAPSTONE came to mind also.

The colour of the stone appeared light grey.  I did not look around or see anything or anyone else. The impression given, it was situated precisely for a reason, in this location.

NEXT, seeing two upright beams of white light in front of the stone. This light was not blinding white light but the white light and distinctive two beams seen side by side appeared as one.

Then Next 'as if' stepping back. looking on -- the light took the shade of a pale creamy yellow colour as if presence of a spiritual being was being made manifest in the room to the person present.

Nothing else was seen - nor any other person in the room, I did not see the man again. I could still see the Star of David engraving on the stone behind the light, yet the light came in front of the stone and manifested into this room - wherever the building is situated and established,

I do not recall any more about this dream.

The light seen is as discovered in this image. In my dream the light was as if a spiritual body was present  and standing tall. The rays of light were initially white an came from above.


When writing this article OSMOSIS came to mind while thinking about my hands being in the liquid. The gesture was as if washing my hands and cleaning the bowl.

It is written about Osmosis

1) a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one.

2) the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.

Remaining in the awareness when this dream took place I was listening to a lecture on on a youtube channel might be connected with this dream.  

They key points in the analysis of the dream:

New house of prayer - possibly built on land where a previous house of prayer was established..

Star of David connected with Israel and House of Israel. The building is connected with Israel and the tribes of Israel also the Star of David with the House of David.

The light that comes from God appearing in front of the sotonewith the symbolism clearly identified with the Star of David and House of Israel. 

Man wearing a head covering - I did not see as a kipah and yet it might have been. The man was wearing the head cap inside the building 'extension'. 

The Olive Tree Branch is written to be GRAFTED IN...came to mind, as writing this, and the extension to the building is like another graft connecting and expanding a building.

Three predominant colours in the dream, white, pale blue and purple.

The colour purple is actually named Byzantium Purple. 

Seeing the Shekinah Glory in front of the Stone with the Star of David engraved -it is assumed the Shekinah Glory would not be revealed any differently than written in history.

The reason the Shekinah Glory is revealed written too.

The MAN who prays to God is significant too. 

When God hears the prayers of His Servants - if he is praying to be guided in the right way. He will be expected to be divinely guided in truth.

This was a Lucid dream as if awake in the experience..

Describing 'like liquid latex' came to mind, never seen or felt before,  I did a search on the internet knowing there are many shades of blue and found one that is similar (latex gloves)

This blue is the same as seen on the long light blue clothes worn by women seen in a mediation during prayer for healing in 2011, A group of spiritual sisters wearing pale blue and white - one speaking to the other women.

The blue gloves seen are symbolic and might be also connected with regards to prayer, pure intentions, and being able to see in a dream so clearly, God revealed this to see.

The man entering into what was seen as a private side mirrored with my experience in entering the private room at the side. No other people were seen in the building.

The House of David is established. The House of Israel is identified too.  

For the Spirit of God to appear and be revealed, we can expect He would do so in ways written too. We are also reminded of our prayers and God seeing and listening.

We have been given this reminder as this is written:

“But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you. (Matthew 6:6)

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)

The Shekinah denotes the dwelling of the divine presence of God.

Two white light rays were seen as one, I thought about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - three persons - also the manifestation of God. An angel is a messenger of God.

it is written:

And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were filled with fear. (Luke 2:9) 

The divine presence was making living light presence known to be visibly seen. I recall Zehariah had an experience that is also documented in the Holy Scriptures, as it is written:

The Gospel of Luke states that while Zechariah ministered at the altar of incense, an angel of the Lord appeared and announced to him that his wife would give birth to a son, whom he was to name John, and that this son would be the forerunner of the Lord (Luke 1:12–17).

The video channel, when listening to at the time of this dream - falling asleep almost straight away is identified and named: 'The Olive Branch Called Out in Fellowship.

Symbolically the House (of God) and stone inside on a corner location, again brings the reminder of the Cornerstone and the Star of David (Star of David). It is written about Jesus:

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” (Revelation 22:16)

The washing of hands in water has featured in history. In this dream experience, the liquid was not clear water and looked like liquid latex - or as I imagined this to be.  -

Even so the analysis of this dream could be far more extensive and yet the most significant parts are explained and seeing a a location and inside a building. 

With the Holy Spirit within, this would allow what is Spiritually revealed from God to be seen in this way. This would explain when it is written 'The Spirit of the Lord took me to see' - 

It is also written, 

For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree. (Romans 11:24)

But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, (Romans 11:17)

Biblical prophesy and the new covenant is written. Warnings are written too and what is happening in this land that is contributing to destruction and death of masses of people is not Holy.

It is written: "Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, (Jeremian 31:31)

House of Israel - Tribes of Israel and Star of David featured. 

The God of ISRAEL is written. 

When you pray with sincere heart, God is listening..

Peace be with you 
Pauline Maria

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