

Thursday 22 August 2019

A Call For Peace (2012 - 2019)

These words were penned several years ago.


There is a place on other lands
With peace and calm; no noise from war
No screaming, shouting, fear or terror
No need to suffer; cry of moaning no more
There is a place called home in heaven

The plea for help; a plea for hope
While soldiers put down their guns again
Will they return alive from this pointless war
No suffering, no hate for all this is caused
By soldiers presence in this endless war.

Why are they fighting to protect other lands?
Why are they killing children of man?
There comes a time we must face the truth
This war is pointless if this is the plan.

There is a place on other lands
That brings hope and peace for all mankind
The pain and suffering has got out of hand
The need for peace and healing calls sometime.

Millions of people wait for the chosen few
Who negotiates war for the chosen few?
God did not say for man to kill
We were all given laws and only Free Will.

Why did we lose our trust in Him?
Our Holy Father promised we would suffer with sin
The heart in strangers has barriers from fear
The eyes of victims hides so many tears

What will the future bring in this unholy time
More hate, more fighting, killing dividing nations.
Only we can stop this pointless war
The healing of humanity begins near and far.

Our call for peace has been given out now
We must work together for peace to heal too.
We must begin to see our Sister and Brother
And how we bring so much hate to others.

How can we feel even fear from neighbours?
Have we brought this all on ourselves?
We have forgiven time and time again
Can we let go of remember trust?

There is a far higher power far above us
The Father of all fathers, the Father of light
Who waits patiently above to hear our voice
The prayer of the meek and lowly not ignored.

How far have we come from our loving self
To want from this land and yet destroy man
What have we done; what have we given?
What do we need to do to be forgiven?

In this time there is more suffering and hate
People are dying; children alone with no one left
Everyone knows loss of family or friend
In the wars over land that are never ending.

The reason we sleep is our feeling of safety
While in other lands bombs go off with shooting daily
Is this so we are protected - yet peacefully sleep?
Yet terror is where people fear and weep

We cannot understand unless we see for ourselves
The truth of someone's reality here or another land
How can we know the mind of another man
When we do not know the mind of family and friends?

There comes a time when choices must be made
The reason for divide is greed and hate
The war must end now - not escalate.
Let's unite together; say 'No more war' before it is too late

The time for peace and healing has been called
United together we can make a stand - not blame another
Gathered in prayer for peace and healing - hand in hand.
Touching hands and hearts with friends and strangers -
    Yes even with people from other lands.

Copyright © Pauline Maria 2012 - 2019 All Rights Reserved

For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10)

Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly. (Psalm 85:8)

In recent years the name 'Olsen' was given by the Sprit of the Lord. Nothing else. When looking on the internet I discovered an inspired painter 'Greg Olsen' that day.

believe this painting is the inspired work of Greg Olsen.  Sharing this with no Copyright infringement intended.

In 2013 Jesus visited a little boy in England who looked much like this little boy in age and size. I also believe Jesus made his living presence known in this land for a reason - also so scriptures could be fulfilled especially regarding children in this land.

Jesus said: 'The thief comes only to steal and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.....' (John 10:10-11)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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