

Thursday 22 August 2019

'The Lost Sheep Of Israel Will Be Found' - Message 20th August 2019

In the Lord there is precision. When we are truly wiling to follow in obedience - we do not have a tyrannical God whipping us with chains that our skin is bleeding in pain, it is different. Very different indeed. God will bring us to our knees to pray and return back to Him.

This message was interrupted by a telephone call that could not be ignored. It could not be ignored because the telephone keeps ringing audibly. This - with my focus on God - is an example of an interruption He allowed with a purpose. It was a call from the government.

The interruption time will be identified...Then continuation of the message, part 2 is with praying again and asking if there is anything else I am meant to know and write down.

Message: 20th August 2019
Start time: 10:04 am
End time: 10:10 am

Holy Spirit dwells within the clean vessel if the vessel is clean and purified. 
The mind, heart and soul are purified and with this the Lord Almighty will impart his message to you:
'Go here', go there, go see someone and speak to that stranger next to you' - has reason and purpose.
You are instruments of God's messengers on earth to reach those who are close yet do not see or hear. 
You are validators of truth, kindness and care.
Expect the unexpected when a stranger reaches you and answers a prayer.
I the Lord have many helpers who give because they are called to give and provide a need in the time of perfect precision. 
You meet who you meet because you are meant to but remember beacon of faith not. to forget who you are serving however meek.'

Telephone call....

Part 2

Start time: 11:28 am
End time: 11:54 am

When the winds change they change direction and the sun will shine on cloudy days when the sky is cleared will a beacon of light of heavenly rays.
You do not see with your naked eye and yet the Lord covers and reveals; he suffers not and heals.
Lean not on your own understanding that the ways of the world will cause many corrections in society and the way of war, terror and fear will not bring peace. 
Stand firm in your faith knowing Your God loves you and a precious child of God is not forgotten by Him.
The lost sheep of Israel will be found and gathered again one by one.
The timing of the Lord is when the timing is ready and the domino effect will be seen when all that has been built that is to deprive and hurt my people will come tumbling down.
Your Lord and God can move hearts and souls of those willing to serve Him in truth rightfully.
Even sinners repent when they see and understand the rewards of holy station are far greater than lofty roles.
Your humbleness and brokenness is with calling you. back to your holy role.
You thought you were not good enough to study Law.
My dears you are to know your Rights in the Lord Almighty and Christ the Son is not one to be forced when done wrong. 
The loving father will nurture his child and take away his pain and sorrow when he knows he has done wrong. 
The loving father comforts his son; and the son who is comforted comforts his wife and children.
In a time of suffering fear and hate so many people are suffering and the level of abuse is risen to the point there is only one way. 
The return of rule with righteousness and a compassionate caring people will be a shield from more harm. 
Reach out in your hearts to those who  are lost and vulnerable and be sure the Lord your God and His Son will reward you in heaven. 
Children of God you serve in His Kingdom as builders and establishment of righteousness. 
Rule with love. 
All who deprive people of their rights and delay to correct their mistakes - they will test you and you will have two choices to make. 
Respond with kindness.
Respond with vulnerability of your contrite and broken heart.
You will not give in so easily my child and you who do not give in ne standing for what is right. 
Your body in pain and weakness is with a spirit made so strong despite the opposition you face. 
You sleep - your soul never sleeps.
You see what you are shown.
You feel the vibrations with your physical body.
You are still alive.
The heart beats for as long as your Lord keeps it beating but woe to the murderers and those who deprive my people so they will not be taken seriously. 
The faithful have fought a long battle of survival in these times.
The selling of drugs and substances that numb the senses is a war game.
The Lord Almighty Rules and Reigns.
Who can say they have His heart and mind?
Who can claim to know His Son?
The instruction to Love and pray unceasingly
You draw close to your Lord and bind your soul to Him by choice.
When you are ready you will see.
Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.
Seek pure hearts in My Kingdom.
Pray my Son
Pray for my people that they may return in righteousness.
Pray that all can be saved from a fate that will never recover.
Pray this world is not destroyed.
Pray the children will know love abundance.
You are Loved so love more.
This is Orthodox Spirituality.
Be Spiritual with love and bless the nations.
Divine Love will Bless all.'

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