

Sunday 13 October 2019

'The World Waits The Anointed One' Message 13th October 2019

Message: 13th October 2019
Start time: 14:50
End time: 15:14

'Sweet one; soul of righteous, sons of man Listen carefully.
The world awaits the anointed one and He is here with you and among you;
You look and seek yet you do not find.
You ask and praise those not worthy of praise and you are among the distracted and multitudes led away from the truth.
The Kingdom of God is within you; and as you still your voice and quest for truth in the mortal world, you will find the immortal soul within your being.
The Lord your God has prepared you, yet you listen outside instead of within.
They who are teachers chosen for their divine mission are not calling themselves teachers or leaders at all.
Dear ones, come to Me with a pure and contrite heart.
Leave your ego outside your door and enter the Palace of Your Soul.
All who are welcomed are called to this divine mission in serving and saving souls.
Come to the Lord. 
Come to the Lord I have chosen for He is My Son dear ones and I made it known long ago.
Come to me without agenda and I will listen to you.
My heart is a spark of goodness in each and everyone of you, so why try to spoil that?
You seek a glorious attachment to earthly things and beings that have no Godly intention at all.
You praise and worship the idols without seeing what they are; and they that rule and reign by manipulation of the law of course I know who they are. 
Return to the Lord thy God and Creator for I am with fury with what they have done. 
My wrath comes with disruption in that once holy Place of Mine.
The unholy rule and reign over my people with no regard of the Lord's Grace. 
They will not give mercy to my chosen ones.
They suffer compromise to their souls every day, well I say no more and I will declare and proclaim when I am done.
They will no more rise up and rule over My People again.
My Royal household was established long ago.
The anointed Children of Israel were called into repentance long ago.
Return to Me Your Lord and King I ask.
Will they?
They will ignore the warning signs.
And when the High Holidays come, will they remember Me and My warnings?
Time and time again they turned their hearts and minds to mindless things.
Their thoughts are undisciplined and reasoning is not with holy intention.
So many minds playing games of manipulation;
And You My special Children of course you are different. 
Those who reject the Lord and God over All will not get this at all 
I did not ask for a merciful government but a sincere people who will serve each other in righteousness. 
I did not seek egos to rule with power over My People as they fall, but an aristocratic rule with humility to the Lord over all. 
Raise My People up you arrogant ones and stop with your oppressive rule now; for if you do not you will know the hand of oppression over you.
You are murderers and criminals saying you are The Law when you are not;
You are denying My People their rights to survive and serve Me in My Kingdom on Earth.
You are the devil's child to do this.
You do not care because you do not see consequence fall on your head and you cannot see the afterlife - and you will not.
My Children you are called in my name; call out to me day and night. They plea for my help in tears and you lofty ones look down on them and laugh.
Shame on you all for what you have done.
Your defiance against the Lord's Creation is to take this world to a dark place.
You find your home.
My Children, Come back. 
Come back before it is too late.
The Godless will not save you.
Pray now I listen.'

It is written:

The LORD Will Not Forget His People

…Can a corrupt throne be Your ally—one devising mischief by decree? They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. (Psalm 94:20-21) 
Read more

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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