

Tuesday 22 October 2019

'The Game of Power and Manipulation Played' Message October 2019

The precise date of this message for some reason was not noted down, however it followed on from the previous message days later. I will identify this as being on the 16th October for the purpose of record

Over the course of time these personal revelation messages are with learning to notice the Spirit of the Lord when something is instructed, or revealed that will come to pass. This is not new prophesy given as prophetic word. My experience is seeing the scriptures being validated; also God is gathering His people in this time of the great redemption.

Message: 16th October 2019
Start time: 10:45 am
End time: 11:11 am

'In the wilderness there is one who waits patiently for the hearts of men to turn from arrogance to lowliness.
The Lord God Almighty is Your Lord and Lord over all Creation since the beginning of time.
Why is it that mere mortals try and defy what is ordained and the wicked rise with no shame on their faces.?
All can see transparently the game of power and manipulation played on the world stage. 
You are a meek and lowly people pressed to conform to Godless rule; when they who laugh at the oppression do not see their own rule returning to oppress too.
Dear ones, none are exempt from the Spiritual Laws of Creation.
You are born and your body will die - your soul will go on again.
Who can say this with conviction and grace?
How do you know in your heart and soul that the Lord Almighty Rules and Reigns?
The resistance of good is with the portrayal of what is not good as being pure and holy. 
Where are the pure hearts and souls?
I look in the lofty places - where are they hiding?
Can you see those who love the people selflessly?
Not in your land do they.
You all have fallen from the grace of holiness for the want of position and admiration is more. 
If only the servants in your Kingdom would turn to the Lord Almighty who will guide them in truth.
Instead there is compromise and devious ways that cannot be wasted away. 
So many people forced into prostitution just to survive and the system that masquerades under righteousness of the crown is not.
The sun shines in your land when the clouds are forming - but where is holiness and caring souls with what is going on?
You are scolded and hated more than before because you have chosen not to conform.
On their consciences are many deaths; yet the blind see this as another job.
How can you also compromise your soul to contribute to murdering a population of vulnerable people? 
You cannot; and for this your heart is with sadness and sorrow as you see loving couples say goodbye for a time until no more.
Who will understand the cycle of life, birth, death and rebirth?
Who has no value for life?
The builders have an architect and the Great Architect is who?
Did the Lord Your God not already make it known: no matter what they do to defy me, I will win over all. 
The Lord Your God does not enter into mortal battles for the ego whims are never satisfied. 
The blind do not see later on what will unfold.
You were warned long ago.
And if they repent with the wickedness done to you and try set things right - how much can they compensate?
All those lives lost will not be brought back by those who hate God.
Why do they hate?
Because they know the time is short and the little effort for popularity can turn back on their own heads.
Better is the lowly handmaid and husbandman the Lord God has long prepared for their union; For in this union the souls unite to God the Father.
The earthly game players seek popularity and strfe stirring competition; and drowning out the voices and service of mankind.
Who are they serving?
As easy as popularity can be one day, in another this can change.
Strive to be lowly and humble with Your Lord, for Your King took pity on you in your brokenness too.  
The building up of a precious soul in times of false idol worship can be misunderstood.
When all you do is serving God - you will not err in what you do.
When you resist that which is not right for you, you risk upsetting people too.
You are a handmaiden of the Lord called out and chosen among a treacherous people.
You are not a prostitute the enemy of God wants you to be.
She who made a pact with the devil cannot hide the truth.
The Lord Your God knows who is who and what they have done.
I will cut them off.
My people will be free from hypocrisy and deceptive rule.
Wait on the Lord Your God on all things.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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