

Monday 4 November 2019

'The Name of The Lord of Grace' - Message 4th November 2019

After prayer

Message: 4th November 2019
Start time: 10:48 am
End time:  11:14 am

'Can the Lord your God be betrayed? 
No, because not all have the name of the Lord of Grace on their souls but you do.
You learned along the way of suffering. 
My Son has his name preserved so all who call upon him will know he takes notice.
His name revealed to you is because you are his.
Fear not my child in the calamity you face for the end is coming soon.
The end of the wicked rule is coming soon and no more will they rise again. 
My people who are called by My Name know who they are.
They know the name of My Son too but many are afraid of confession. 
I understand for what has been done to preserve My People is not known by everyone.  
You were given the Holy Spirit at birth and in your baptism reinforced with the holy anointing oil.
You are not of your father's house but of both of your parents and the first born too. 
Do you not know the first born belong to God the Creator of Creation?
Do you not know I had a purpose for you?
You did not take up the opportunity when presented with the freedom to travel on your tasks.
Your love for humanity is challenged; yet your heart goes out to the poorest of people in the world.
What utter helplessness you feel now when before you had clear vision and passion to make a difference. 
I know who stunted you and I know the court of injustice too but it had to happen. 
The Crown authority in your land is no more.
The death that is caused and every block to injustice resolved is their contempt to God. 
My child, your Yahushua is love in the essence of his being
If all he has to give is love - is this not enough for everyone living?
His love is enough for you.
How much pity has been taken upon you is because you were born with a mission and purpose.
You were pulled down and kicked down and your life plans utterly broken
Your devastation forewarned is without preparation of the devastating impact on your physical health. 
But you are alive dear child; Many are dead. 
She who wants you dead cannot rule over the souls of those who belong to the Lord God. 
You are entrusted to My Son Jesus The Christ as he is known.
Lord Yahushua is his name and let all who rise up against him hang their heads in shame. 
The world is plummeting to a dark place but the Lord your God gives light to all Creation.
They will kill and destroy who reject the Lord your God; but you my child and all the Children of God will be saved in their soul. 
This is the last call. 
Repent, Repent before it is too late. 
All you rebels and murderers Repent because you are serving a demonic force of hate for humanity.
Repent from your wickedness to plan to trip people up for you are all in a cycle of catastrophe now. 
Repent from fighting witchcraft with witchcraft  - you risk your life and soul with this.
Do not attack my chosen handmaiden and helpers because without them the earth will be black. 
The Lord your God and the Son Jesus Yeshua is One and the same energy intention. 
He will not harm a blade of grass.
You murderers and Satanists in your devil worship - where do you think this will get you?
You are addicted to your passions instead of righteousness; 
and who are the ones of righteousness are not known.
No witch is going to rule over my people and the people entrusted to Christ the King are not Subjects to those who oppose him.
Break your oaths of loyalty to the wicked ones and come freely to the King I have chosen.
Yahushua is the heir to all things and all people in the family long preserved and chosen. 
Bring your hands together in prayer and seek forgiveness.
Raise your arms to the sky for above is the throne the rebels cannot reach. 
Hear My Word.
Seek what is written and then you will know the Lord of Creation is the Lord of all ages.
Repent you wicked rulers or you will be brought to your knees and humiliated greatly for what you have done to My People. 

Guided to scripture: 'An Unshakable Kingdom' (Hebrews 12:18-29)

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