

Friday 1 November 2019

'The Lord Your God Knows Your Intention' - Message 31st October 2019

Message: 31st October
Start time: 12:59 pm
End time: 13:25 pm

'When the bells of change come, then change will come - not before.
The life before has gone
The new life is spiritual life in a mortal body
The soul is immortal
The soul lives on and there is none, not one who rules over the souls of my people. 
You ask for my Kingdom - God's Kingdom; and the conquest of souls is going on
Turn to me my people for I hear your prayer and I know what is going on. 
Speak to me my people.
What is on your mind and heart?
Release all your worries upon me and remain not silent in this time.
My Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Ask the Lord your God 'Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven' and it will be done with my people who pray to the throne above all on earth.
The true Democracy is the power given to the people to pray and implement change.
Do you not know you are all servants of God the Lord above and over all creation?
The Guardian over your souls knows what is going on and the suffering and struggle too.
All will remember me in their times of trouble but will they remember afterwards?
The giver of life restores life but who remembers when facing death?
Who remembers their prayer said?
I do not forget my people but many forget me.
I serve and provide and I restore and pull down, demolishing that which is to be no more.
I burn up in flames the palace of whims and plans against my people.
I destroy the plans of the wickedness intent. 
I have exposed the charlatans and pedophiles and I have let this be done so the illusion is gone.
I am sorry if I hurt you my people but your suffering is to teach others lessons.
You cannot harm my anointed ones who cry out day and night to me in desperation; and expect to rise and shine.
The family of shame is exposed to all to look inside their homes.
Who has a perfect life, perfect marriage, perfect children and prosperity uncompromised?
You all have different lessons and doubts;
For you are all falling short of the glory of God by allowing your minds and hearts to be corrupted from what is right.
And normality will seem bore, yet where is this desire for more excitement and debt coming from?
You go out to nature and look at the birds and bees; 
The insects have their place in the animal world and yet who destroys and who flourishes this earth?
Men cannot do it.
Men can take and replace; he can move and deprive. He can charge fees and he does by manipulating what nature provides.
The Lord your God provides your needs; in a time of prosperity and when there is more you can share with those who lack and want more. 
The Lord will not deny His people unless it is to teach a lesson.
Before anyone looks down on the poorest of people - do you know the Lord Your God is looking down at you?
The Lord Your God knows what is written in your heart before you even say anything at all.
The Lord your God knows your intention with everything.
Now what will you do with your life?
Will you serve to preserve my people and uplift the condition of humanity, or will you expect to be given the right to oppress anyone?
Who will rise up in a company will be because of merit when the company is integral in values with righteousness.
Those who build empires with puppet heads and friends to maintain a position of gains - what will the Lord give them as their reward?
If you have your livelihood stripped by the King, he will lose his too if he does not replace what is rightfully yours.
He is not of me and my Kingdoms preserve my people in truth.
The Lord Your God lives and He knows His people.
He knows each and everyone of his people.
Pray to bless them'

Bells of change: - 'Other priestly garments' - Exodus 28:31-36

The Nations Worship The King - Jeremiah 14:16-21

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria           

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