

Wednesday 4 December 2019

'My Glory and My Light Shine For All To See' Message 3rd November 2019

Message : 3rd November 2019
Start time: 7:12 am
End time: 7:35 am

'My Glory and My Light shine for all to see who are mine.
Many reject Me and the Spirit of Truth of all ages.
How come you are sad who has seen so much and given so much grace in this time?
The enemy hates you and the more you are hated you are loved by Me Your God.
"Lord have mercy" they say and then hurt My people;
And you bad tempered one in your frustration and weakness, lean onto Me your Lord and God.
Lean onto me for I did not abandon My children and those who are called and chosen in My Name.
Your love is pure but your heart hardened with hurt. 
Pauline you have to relinquish this hurt for your suffering is great in this weakened state. 
You want to run away and escape to a new land  and new life but nothing will change, just geographical location.
I will fetch you the plan of the nations call so do not worry about the future; because where you are I am in your presence and those who attack you in My presence are scolded for what they have done.
Warned are those who harm My anointed ones and you were consecrated to Me at your birth.
You have a rival all your life. Not one or two but continually so this is nothing new.
Where is your husband; your spouse now?
Can you not see what is happening?
Your life is one continual sabotage to prevent your happiness and success
Who will you trust with your greatest treasure?
Who cares about My people in your land?
Many are the traitors to the Lord Almighty and many do not know who to serve.
You cannot serve the false gods in your land who will be pulled down from their lofty stations.
What duty they do is use, abuse and exploit when they can.
What little love there is for the lowliest of people they displace by their station; and what shame they have knowing the Lord God does not look upon the lofty with favour.
Brave is the maiden who speaks out; and another who stands up and opposes rape; and another who speaks about miscarriage of justice; and another forced to be a prostitute to pay her way. 
Shame is all he who corrupts the law; and oppress and violate women and children from the highest station in your land to the lowliest scoundrel in his violent ways.
None is good when they plot and scheme to exploit the most vulnerable women where you live. 
There is disgrace in the lofty House, disgrace in the nations and not one will work for justice in your land. 
Not one will serve justice in your land and the media will make this known in the papers.
They are silent while the great disgrace comes upon the lofty House. 
Do you think the Lord your God looks up to the randy Prince? 
He is disgusting in his ways and disgusting is his wife who has no remorse for her gain. 
I show no favour to the lofty.
They are not esteemed in my eyes. 
My people perish through lack of knowledge and they trust traitors who cannot do right in these times.
The end is coming soon;
The end of an era and they will rise up and lock horns to be powerful in their game of manipulation.
My dear, My dears; my sweet tenderhearted children:
Look up to the throne in heaven because your Abba Father is not a traitor to your souls.
I came again to make My living presence known to My people; My children and My broken hearted ones most of all.
He comes to you to know the truth;
Your God, your Lord and King loves you all
Remember this.
I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy
Who can say they rule above the throne in heaven?
Let the shame be felt as you have known.
Wipe your tears my children I hear you'

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