

Monday 9 December 2019

'The Lord Be With You Day and Night' Message 9th December 2019

Message: 9th December 2019
Start time: 6:49 - 6:50 am
End time 7:10 am

'The Lord be with you day and night

Sweet one, sweet child of mine, Mine is Creation and all that is created of the Lord belongs to Him. 
The world is conquested and the rulers laugh yet they do not see their fall.
The Lord is coming. 
The Lord is coming
Many shout with joy and elation yet they do not see and do not know when, or where or what time.
People are feeling something in the air yet they cannot see the invisible presence right before their eyes.
You capture on film the rays from heaven - yet who made this happen?
It is I the Lord of all Creation who causes life and life to end.
Your broken body is still standing not strong, yet the Lord scolds all who injure you. 
You are meek now, not as before
You understand humility now, not as before
Put into practice what you know
Be bold, be meek and be humble
The Lord waits for the unrighteous ones to cause righteous justice where they did you wrong. 
'They will not' is what they will say behind closed doors. 
'Let's delay a little longer and see what the Lord will do in his anger' they think.
They think I am angry at you while my people perish to their death.
My dear they do not know whom the Lord gives Mercy because they do not know Me the Lord of Creation. 
You came as a child with no one else to turn to.
Is the Lord God going to reject a repentant sinner?
But he who continues to err and blame will not get away with what he has done.
The lawyer disappoints over and over again.
So imagine my child, will the Lord your God open the gate to heaven for them?
The Lord is Merciful to repentant sinners and not to those who repeatedly injure.
I will be right in all my proclamations as disclosed too
Your Lord is trustworthy and true.
Your Lord speaks and you listen to The Word given to you
Now go and read the scriptures to see what is written too.
I the Lord God will come and dwell among My people and they can meditate on My Word day and night.
They who reject me and My Word will not be guided by the Spirit of Truth. 
My people repent. 
Repent before it is too late
Come to the Lord your God and Creator and see the life He will give you is blameless.
Not war, causing suffering, loss and death.
There is not one in the English government who does not know what is going on.
Not one of them is without knowing my people are being killed in the land you are living in.
Many are scared to say anything and do not want to be singled out.
I broke you completely; to the ground you fell; broken in your heart and physically weakened.
You my child stood in your lowliness crying out 'No war, No war' and you cried out because of the injustice you faced not just for yourself; but for the multitudes of people in your land being robbed by the corrupt system.
They would rather deny you justice and the right to survive and live in peace serving Me, than to do right by you and the Lord who is their God too.
One day they will be begging for help in their calamity
Will I listen to their insincere cries?
They want more and more and there is no goodness to give; and the one who claims to help does not.
The people are led to slavery by a cruel regime of stupidity, violence and bribes.
My Kingdom will be built on righteousness and not the scolded scoundrels.
I will lift my people up and they will know I am Lord'

Of the message times, these scriptures are identified:

Jesus the Bread of Life
Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died.This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that anyone may eat of it and not die. (John 6:49-50)

For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. (2 Corinthians 7:10)

My shield is with God, Who saveth the upright in heart. (Psalm 7:10)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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