

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Orthodox: If Someone Asks You Why Do You Fast?

Our faith in God is individual...
Our prayers and walk with God is not done by anyone else. 
When instruction is given; while there are people who fast, others do not, It is vital to realise that there is great effort to turn people away from God. When that does not work, the enemy will turn people away from discovering the truth of what is relevant to know. 
As people of faith in God you are never alone... even if you live a distance away from anyone else. As our prayers are sent up the rays from heaven come down and the invisible mystery of walking in faith with focus on God is with the assurance Jesus gave... 
God is not a myth; Jesus not a myth. The man was recognised by the imperial authorities to be THE KING of the Jews and an Israelite by birthright, before crucified. When Jesus resurrected He is still The King. He said He will be returning too. 
The God of Israel is the One who made His living presence known to multitudes of people. Instruction was given. The Spirit of God - The Ruach Ha Kodesh is not rejecting .... 
As the growing number of people turn their hearts and minds with focus on God and on Jesus Christ The King, the unity of people to God through Jesus Christ is growing here too. 
There is no shouting or competing...just a faithful people. 
The Holy Spirit guides...
Orthodox Abbot Rafailo of Monastery Podmaine in Montenegro, tells you how to answer if someone asks you - why do you fast?
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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