

Tuesday 17 December 2019

'I The Father Sent a Penniless Son ' Message 13th December 2019

Personal Revelation Message.

Message: 13th December 2019
Start time 18:39 pm
End time 19:08 pm

'Be calm - Listen
I never have let down My People even to this day.
Everything I promise has come to pass.
Every warning given has with reason and the same lessons that passed are presented again and again.
Now move on when you learn and progress to your call in service for the one who calls you knows your soul and serving role.
Remain blind to those who seek to harm and stumble your growth; yet your spirit soars with me your Lord Eternal.
Who can stop what the Lord has ordained for His children?
The rebellious ones rebel and there are those who think they are clever who are not.
Who knows the way of the Lord and His plan except those he reveals it to?
As each holds a tiny piece of the grand plan; each holds the key to the door of salvation. 
What belongs to you cannot be used by anyone else.
The Lord your God knows who is sincere and who is not.
He knows the foolish mistakes made from insecurity too
There is wickedness today to cause stumbling; but the Lord will raise up a mighty banner to strengthen His people and this is proclaimed.
Your Lord did not forsake you in this time and your patience will be rewarded.
The enemy snares are traps that will not benefit those who play games and injure souls.
You see who is your friend and who is your foe; and who is injuring those I sent to you and you to them.
Let the people of God proclaim His name and yet do they know the Lord of Salvation?
They want of something that comes at a cost of short falling to goal of liberation;
And the Love of Christ is not with manipulation and blackmail.
My dear one, you trusted when alone and you stood the test of time - but who will come now?
There will be those who say in time 'We believe her now' - but they did not seek the Lord their God and your God in truth.
The worldly ways have captured their minds; and yet who will come to know the way long foretold cannot be rushed - as you were brought forward to see too
The Lord of all Creation does not manipulate and spin lies to confuse,
He has shown what is happening to create confusion and how it is done.
The way you have been shown is to be patient to receive understanding. 
The word is given - the understanding afterwards.
The layers built on the foundation of truth have to be built on the Christ for He is the returner of all  souls to their home.
The ego falls and the want of more will be the deciding factor to what people will do.
It is written in the soul of man not to sin if their heart and mind are rightfully aligned with the Father.
Temptation will come and he will be swayed like a boat on choppy waters.
If he is taken by his passions the boat will turn over
He will need to swim to survive and the waters are deep with no safety net. 
The Lord will test him for if his heart is pure and repentant, he will be given another chance of salvation. 
My ladies who are single and did not find their spouse are many who play the vanity game.
The peacock flutters his feathers and all look on knowing there is one to capture attention.
The competition is fierce and destructive.
The games are nasty and cruel.
So many broken sisters who have fallen and tripped up -
Is this the way of the Lord intended?
They did not trust the Love He gave to their intended as the search for a greater provider took hold - so I the Father sent a penniless son.
Who loves him?
 True love is the essence of the soul and not financial provision.
True love comes and then everything else comes together as it should
If your life is with venomous friends - they do not want your happiness.
The way of love is not with murky waters and game players.
So love with your heart and essence of being.
Wish all love, 
Pray and let love rule your essence of creation'

Immediately after this message more words received were written as they sounded - looking afterwards what could be discovered that might relate might validate..

'Alamatie siri patakame quinto sou mertino quando solo me ami in tuto.'

Alamati - relating to signs and symbols semiotics
Siri - wealth fortune
Patakame - Patak - NZ building on stilts used for storing provisions
                   Ame - Soul
Quinto - firth born - fifth position
Sou - very small amount of money
Mertino - Murtino - village of Macedonia
Quando - when
Solo - alone
Me ami - Do you love me?
in tuto - entirely - securely, in safety without danger

Semiotics: The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation

What is significant about the fifth generation born?

Over the generations scriptures have been translated. There are people also taking notice of signs; with Divine Providence at work - God's intervention in the universe.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria           

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