

Monday 6 January 2020

1st January 2020 Dream, Lord's Presence Living Flame

Waking on 1st January I made a note of a dream being in the presence of the Lord. He was sitting holding cupped in both hands a crystal glass that was rounded with a living flame of light inside. My focus was taken to see the flame of light, this and the pristine white of his clothes and folds in the cloth. As my focus then upwards, with being very close, to look at his face into his eyes....I woke up. The flame was most significant.
Upon waking from this dream, thinking of why we are being encouraged to pray in Jesus name - He is praying too. Then seeing there is significance of light, in prayer, 'Chanukah' and 'within 8 days prayers being answered' also came to mind.
The night before I had posted the image shown 'Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me' - I was guided to discover this image after visiting Greg Olsens website to write a message to him. Already the Spirit of the Lord had given me the name 'Olsen' a couple of years ago, then I was to discover some of his paintings were validating truth revealed to me.
In this dream experience, it was as if my face was up close perhaps 2 feet to see the flame. My position as if laying at the feet of Jesus The crystal clear glass bowl was smooth rounded without patten - a gentle flickering flame was visible and contained, yet I could not see any oil or wax inside.
In the image from 31st December notice the hands placed. And this sensing the presence of the Lord, He was seen sitting in a similar position - hands placed in the same place.
This dream experience is showing how the Holy Spirit can take us specifically to another location somewhere to see. It is not because we ask that we can see or demand answers too. If we are meant to see and know something we will be shown.
The Lord knows all the prayers being said especially now in his name, He knows who is sincere in their heart in prayer too.
Sharing the Beatitudes: the Lord's sermon to his disciples. 
From just one small flame a million lights can be ignited. 
As it is written: - 'Seek the Lord while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way,

And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the Lord,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.' (Isaiah 55:6-7)
Living flame...came to mind.
This dream experience was ethereal and it was quite extraordinarily to be guided to Greg Olsens Painting on New Years Eve. At any time within the past two years I could have done this yet did not. The painting best describes the whiteness of the clothing and being in the presence of the Lord.  The timing when the Lord was in quiet concentration too....
The Holy Spirit is allowing our spiritual connection....
With the living flame....on waking up on New Years day, I realised I had not died in the night but the living flame flickering was seen as the focus for a reason....the living light....
Jesus is again reminding me he is alive....
This is what I have understood .....
And that His prayers are heard and answered.

The Spirit of the Lord will  reveal what we are meant to see. And the Lord will help us to understand whatever it is we are meant to know.....when we are ready to. 
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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