

Monday 6 January 2020

Holy Order - Live and Let Live - Message 4th January 2020

Message: 4th January 2020
Start time: 3:07 am
End time: 3:30 am

'I will be done when I am done for the traitors to my people have no calm within their souls. 
They will know thunder and lightening like never before.
The ages of the wicked ones is coming to an end and the rise of wickedness is because the Son of Holiness and the Holy Order is about to dawn a new day.
There are those who place their trust in wealth and abundance instead of selfless service with helpers who come willingly with trust and guidance of the Holy Spirit within.
The Lord walks the earth alone and asks nothing of anyone; yet he asks you to serve others less fortunate and hurting.
You did right in your visit to the hurting and those who value you will never forget how you made them feel within their soul.
A child loved and lost; a child loved again and valued in her adult essence. 
You have now so many jealous resentful people who in your stumble and fall before you were to be destroyed in court - Your King came to be your guardian again even if you did not know or expect this.
Traitors in your land hate the Lord and Christ of His Creation for he is the liberator of souls and enlightener of truth.
They who live in spiritual darkness do not see and he will not come to those who defy him over and over again.
There is no divine right to rule where you are because the Lord of all Creation is the Lord and King over all Creation.
My windows are clear and my people are clear in their heart and souls, even in imperfection; Yet when there is remorse and repentance, then the forgiveness of sins become possible to comprehend. 
My people are grateful to be set free from the chains of the Godless oppressors.
My child you are one out of many who has come willingly to know the truth and be guided in the right way. 
This came at no cost and you sharing The Way the lord has shown you and millions before you is the reminder of The Lord's Way.
I will talk to My People as I talk to your soul and you know my calling in times when I call.
You are alert now to take notice.
There is nothing said to you that has not been truth; not as a prophetic word but I show you your Lord and God is not a myth;
And the God of Israel is who He says He is throughout the generations. 
The rebellious ones cannot comprehend the times and the flare of energy like a flame in fire is dancing with passions in hearts and souls.
For passions run high for hatred and blame and hurt with anger; and the death toll rises in this time.
The passion for war and stirring up hatred between peoples and nations is the enemies snare at the chance to cause many more to fall. 
The number has been agreed and the time for wicked rule planned but the time will be short.
For the quicker the people return to the Lord, the better for their salvation and realisation of truth of the God of all ages.
My child, many have given up on life already and willing to cause death to another so they can save their own.
The misguided generation cannot rule or thrive with combat and destructive ways.
The ambitious one is ambitious.
No one touches the charities of deception because of their sense of loyalty.
Who will give up everything to serve the Lord in truth?
Who is serving selflessly?
Who is praying for the lowliest and broken people?
The Lord your God knows who is sincere and who is not and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 
The party will be over soon and no one is safe from escaping judgement.
Your attention on me guides you
Live and let live
I will switch the lights off'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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