

Monday 18 May 2020

'Be Guided in Truth and Righteousness' Message 16th May 2020

Personal revelation message following prayer

Message: 16th May 2020
Start time: 3:04 am
End time: 3:29 am

'Let you be guided in truth and righteousness of your Lord and your God The Almighty One.
No one can rule over the Kingdom of Heaven and the footstool is yours - the earth where the Lord your God has placed His feet through Jesus Christ His Son.
My Son is filled with righteousness, justice and mercy for all mankind yet where you live there is none.
Where the cost is great for increased debt, there is enslavement to that debt in opposition to the Son of Mankind. 
And the people who want more know less because their overlords are utterly selfish. 
Greed rules and lust for power with smiles when the souls of the meek and lowly oppressed more and more.
He who wants millions in wealth to continue expects people to work for nothing and rob the poor. 
It is utter disgust to the heavenly order how a people accept abuse and oppression; and they who say they care in their paid job do not when the job is over. 
Where is selfless service in privileged positions?
There is none.
There is vying for attention and self promoting and there is the promoting of others. 
Lip service, lip syncers and actors on the world stage while my people are perishing and getting into debt.
The houses that are mortgaged being re-mortgaged; and many released equity and gave up their pension cashing in early. For the lust of life's pleasures came before considering the tax ruling nations does not protect those not working.
The ego is puffed up with pride and will pretend all is alright when it is not.
The poorest and lowliest of people have ended up paying; lied to and deprived again as this suits the social order.
The pinnacle of unholy empire is who?
The crown is on the floor. 
The Lord God reaches to His people and they ignore His voice; His messengers and His warnings.
The plague comes and another illness formed.
The death culture is with illness profitable and the poverty ship is with impoverished souls at the helm who cannot lead in righteousness because they refuse to stand up for evil and squash it.
The ones who cause death do not all realise what they are doing at first - and then they do and then they hide away.
Guilt and fear - death at their own door.
Suicide is high but not for reasons commonly known. 
Out of millions of people only a few deaths are reported.
They will not tell the truth and your government are traitors to the people. 
The government are traitors to the Lord God Almighty with the killing going on.
The lives saved are with people taking precautions.
The spending machine does not need money to operate.
Trading exchange and what is known as money is being used as a weapon.
You my dear are at risk for complications if you go to hospital. 
The system that has refused to help you and grant you your rights continues to show their grave crimes against my people. 
Well you saw it, experienced it and the Lord your God is your Judge.
I chose you - you did not choose me Pauline and you were willing to correct a great wrong in your eyes.
The Christ Son you know loves sinners and those who are persecuted for righteousness he loves the most. 
You did not claim to be perfect.
You strive to become a better person serving the Lord.
Well you can do no more than what you have done. 
The role you seek to fulfil a purpose has been done. 
You have seen the criminals in action. 
As Christ crucified so they destroyed you - but Christ returns. 
The King Returns who is righteous and He is clocked in humility.
The King who loves his people forgives sinners.
Your people will be led by a righteous King when they are ready.
Relinquish the idols now and Return to Your God'

It is written

And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise. (Galatians 3:29)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The Lord Creator speaks, Listen

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