

Sunday 26 April 2020

'The Lord Creator Speaks: Listen!' - Message 24th April 2020

Personal Revelation Message

Message: 24th April 2020
Start time: 14:34-35
End time: 14:59

'Sweet child,  My children are in anguish with what is happening in the world, while many see an extended holiday.
See the division.
Who is caring for my people?
The government divided the people.
Do not enter into rebellion with the government, enter into dialogue with reason.
They have to listen.
There is no captain of the ship.
Their God is forgotten and lost from their minds for far too long, but I the Lord Almighty will not beg for my people.
They either return to me willingly or they do not.
They either respect the children of the Lord Creator or they do not; and those who persecute and prosecute my people do as they are told.
The abusers are attracted to abuse and the rebels stir strife to rebel.
There is no courage in solitude.
There are lone people who stand up and resonate with those who do not.
One voice speaks loudly in a crowd to dominate but did they write and ask government to review what they are doing?
No they do not!
It is easy to drown out the voices of those to listen to, while the stirring up of distraction causes chaos and confusion too.
Some people are using this time wisely and counting their blessings.
It is a privilege to do well and prosper in business yet to expect the poorest of people to pay for the vanity of wealth acquisition to show off is a sorry state of affairs.
My people must endure arrogance and justifications of violations and robbery too - but it is not in My Name.
The Lord Almighty decided The King and the King He has Chosen is rejected in your land.
You know him and you have seen him.
To my children he speaks clearly and if they will take heed and notice the words given, he will give more
The armies of good people who are compelled in their hearts and minds to go out and help others do so because it is the right thing to do and not because they are told.
The men who are busy in their homes and gardens are concentrating on what they must do.
Many escape to work in solitude without interruption.
My Spirit can work with their hearts and minds;
Many men are good in their heart and soul yet are pressured to do what they really do not want to do.
A man when he is ready to love will in his heart and soul be long prepared.
And when the gathering together in Divine Love, who can stop this?
Love is God's command; as the enemy divides.
The insecurity of a nation of people provokes God; yet the hearts and minds of all are transformed in the time of realignment of the source of all life and blessings.
Remember everyone is learning lessons and your lesson is not someone else's.
You are instrumental in learning and so is everyone else too.
One person calm; all are calm.
Provoke the anger of God and all will be disrupted too.
The Lord asks for calm and cooperation.
This world you live in was given for all to dwell in safely and not for the few to take possession to exert power and control.
My people have been set free from slavery and oppression before.
The willingness to let others live in freedom and peace of mind is not there when there is willingness to instil fear and exert power and control.
The people are mine who are called in my name and Baptised in Christ.
The King of the Nations I have chosen long ago
His name not forgotten; His love all who do not know will know.
Who is this man?
The Lord of Creation did not abandon is people in this time.
Pray: Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Pray my children for peace on earth is only possible if you are willing for peace too.
My children, I loved you before you were born.
I Love and Forgive.
I command the way of love and forgiveness; of war and peace
Come together peacefully and wipe your tears away.
Precious souls are being preserved.
Woe to those who enact wicked statutes on my people.
They will be judged by what they do.
The Lord Creator speaks.

Of the times scriptures are also identified:

Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church. (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)

Reading Isaiah 59, this says it all.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Jesus Prays Our Father who art in heaven

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