

Saturday 20 March 2021

'Do Not Return To The Pack' - Message 19th March 2021

Message: 19th March 2021
Start time: 15:38
End time: 15:58

'I cannot comfort the comfortless when you turn your back on me.
This is how it is my child and tell them this.
You are alone and yet you are not alone.
You look to be with one and yet you were rejected by the pack who did not make you welcome. 
When you are alone and coping with progression spiritually in prayer focus and what your mind leads you to say and do at the time, the pack listens to their leader and teacher.
When the leader and teacher of the pack resents you for seeking the high road to talk to me, your Lord and God is this her right to do?
She keeps people safe in her mind but does not want anyone to do what she would not do.
She does not want to climb, but there is exposure to sin and envy in accusing you - yet what will you do?
Are you expected to sit at her feet and be scolded and ignored?
You did not climb because you sought me.
I sought you and called you out of the crowd that were not nourishing you.
You asked for nourishment with permission to be nourished.
You did not take what is not yours.
You were told you can have as much as you want and in time you look to how to cultivate nourishment of your own to share. 
You are given nourishment and you give nourishment in abundance with so much more, but not all can see. 
Not everyone wants what you give. 
Your people are dying by their multitudes and many taken their own life. 
Do you follow and trust the leader that did not even make sure you had food?
They are at ease with causing death and they would do this again as this is what they are asked to do.
The Devil has many helpers, and yet those who seek the Lord with all their hearts and mind to be guided at all times in truth are few.
I know you want to escape that vagabond nation, but to place your trust where there is no trustworthiness is the lesson.
Your heart aches with grief and your soul longs for the connection that only one connected with me can give.
You are told 'Love your Lord and God with all your heart and all your soul' because on the lonely spiritual path there are few who truly seek me.
Your prayer 'And lead me not into temptation' covers a multitude of sins;
But let no one condemn you for seeking me and hearing my voice because this comes at a price you were willing to pay. 
The traitors condemned you to death and while you do not live a wholly fulfilling life, my chosen counsellor rejected by those who hate me and reject me.
Look at that nation of mentally numbed people and drunkenness to numb their senses, while pretending all is well when it is not. 
The hard heartedness is so evident, masked with politeness and if you reach out to people with little energy, it is not as if they cannot see you struggle despite keeping going.
An old man of 80 says he can cope, but he is surrounded by neighbours and not one offers to go to the shop or thinks to bring him something he might like.
They look but another excuse not to communicate.
You see what is happening with other people - so do not take things personally.
Some of you learn to live alone and not ask for help from anyone when in need, but the treacherous government that made it a law to keep people apart, yet sent other people in at a price.
Where you are all enslaved by this evil rule, their hypocrisy is justified. 
They cannot see who inflicts harm, injury and trauma by depriving people of their fundamental human rights.
Many will perish to death.
The enemy of the people knows cruelty to the people.
The people who live with love in their hearts and souls do not change.
Even if the well is running dry, the Lord your God fills you and sustains you with His love.
You are calm, but take no nonsense from anyone.
Do not hesitate to confront anyone who puts you down to ridicule you because they feel resentment.
Try and live peaceably with all people and heal where there is a healing need too.
Do not return to the pack.
Lead people to me - that is why you are chosen.
My most unlikely helper has suffered much.
God will reward you with his Grace and Mercy'  

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

I am waiting for repentance and remorse

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