

Monday 1 March 2021

'I Am Waiting for Repentance and Remorse' - Message 1st March 2121

Personal revelation message following prayer.

Message: 1st March 2121
Start time: 3:13 am
End time: 3:40 am

'Hear O one child alone in these times.
All who abandon you do not realise the strength of your soul. 
They care when they want something from you and you reach out to people in need, I do not forget.
My child you are a handmaiden shaped by me for a purpose you do not know.
Your heart has ached and the loss you have suffered  has left you alone without an anchor to hold on to.
Lean on me my child. Lean on me for I am faithful and all who are left out abandoned as orphans are entrusted to me in this time.
The love you felt and lost opened a doorway in your heart for light to shine through again. 
You inspire love when you feel love.
You inspire healing with feeling pain within.
You share this healing journey with tens of thousands of others in this unique way of being. 
The Pharma solutions are not safe.
All that takes my people away from me is affecting you too.
The life you were given so productive in determination to make a positive difference, yet over and over again blocks and traitors exposed for what they are. 
I called you out from the darkness into the light that you may see clearly a way that I did not give permission to teach.
I set you high in the Throne Room in the heavens so you could realise you are not of your own free Will. 
Your promise was made long ago and yet while you forget, the God of your heart and soul did not forget at all. 
The unrighteous have no regard for the people.
The indulgence of want of energy, attention and political gains knows no ends.
The television teaches and limits; expands and enlightens some truths that exist in the world of creative expression. 
The mind of man is controlled by his thoughts and what he witnesses to learn from. 
He reacts as a human with urges; and with need for affection and love,
He is lost without comfort in his soul.
Yet there are those driven by passionate exploits, never satisfied and hunger for more.
Eventually life gets tired of all that held; meaning is lost
The Lord sustains life and as the sustainer of life, He is the preserver of souls in all creation.
Can the world exist without the men who lack love?
Can the world be sustained without prayers and graceful works?
So my child, who are you to worry about that which is not good for you to know, when your gift is something else.
You are a mystery; an enigma to some and utterly misunderstood by many who rejected the Lord over all. 
Live for me and breathe for you, for as the days are difficult now.
You have endured the tribulation for far too long. 
Be careful of being bitter in your words to those who hate me; for all they do in their insecurities is already written and known.
My child, I want you to rest and take your problems away form yourself. 
Give them all to me; and all who caused you suffering they will not escape so easily. 
You protect people while they led you to hurt without thinking. 
My child, many want to hear my voice but cannot because the light is not switched on within their being. 
I am waiting for repentance and remorse; and taking this life seriously.
My dear, many before you were called and chosen to write to bring a people to the Lord of Grace and Mercy.
Many know of you now and in India people pray for you today.
Be a Servant of the Light even if you are held in the shadow of the wings of the Almighty One.
Bring people to faith.
Encourage prayer.
Meditate on My word day and night as it is given to you.
My sheep hear my voice and I did not change throughout the ages.
Forgive and be forgiven.
Love and be loved.
It is time to.' 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Meditation vision - Woman above cloud and huge heart

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