

Sunday 23 May 2021

'God Did Not Forget Your Promise To Him' - Message 3rd April 2021

Message : 3rd April 2021
Start time: 5:23 am
End time: 5:52 am

'Hear my voice faintly in the distance ...
So many people do not know that I live and have lived and died and came alive again for my people. 
My family are spiritually united as one; and my family by adoption are by choice and communion that is holy and pure.
My spiritual family are rightfully aligned with me with my heart; so they are rightfully aligned with the Lord God Almighty.
He who is the Creator of all did not want to leave you as orphans; 
And the Holy Spirit is given to you that we are connected spiritually until the end of time.
All who reject God and the Lord of all creation, they did not hear of him.
And they would reject you and all who find the right way - to Fear God and not the man of rebellion and sin, for his soul is poisoned with hate and vengeance.
The Lord wants to set His people free, but now many work in the enslavement system and they cannot see any way forward - except to do what they are told; and continue to injure my people. 
The system in society is sick and thrives by making people sick.
Yet the system of solutions will give toxins to the brain; that leaves people further doubting the path of liberation and peace in the Lord who loves His people.
The Lord of this world, the Prince of darkness does not love the people - He does not even love himself. 
A shift is taking place and a divide created.
The enemy of the people does not care what happens, or will happen to anyone at all.
He knows his time is short and he knows the great rebellion is foretold too.
Where are the intercessors of prayer for all those stuck at home and left to perish to death?
There are many commanding leadership yet without the Lord's permission.
And there are many drowning out the still small voice of the Lord who stills the hearts and minds of his broken and forgotten children.
What you went through and others is with scripture being fulfilled;
And what you were to see and know of that rebellion nation, you had to take notice of or you would have never spoken. 
You are weak physically, yet your body is the vessel for your soul 
You fly free when you are sleeping and the soul never sleeps.
The love and longing in the aching heart is a yearning preceding growth.
You are leaving something behind for a future unknown.
Your heart aches for familiarity; yet the Lord called you for His purpose.
You were warned and foretold.
The higher you climb the spiritual ladder, what no longer serves your life will go.
You will strive and meet new people and they will welcome the faithful woman; in faith and in marriage of the sacred union.
The world as you know it is with people being moved;
And eventually you will move, but will you be ready when He calls you to His mission for you?
My sweet children, come back to innocence in your hearts; and return to God the Father as a preserver and protector of your purpose. 
As you prepare to navigate this journey - the way has already been made clear. 
Already preparations are in place and the timing for all to come together harmoniously is with willing hearts and souls to follow the guidance.
This is a solemn time for the believers and then there will be joy in resurrection commemoration.
And then where will be sorrow in circumstances and joy in a little freedom.
But there is no joy in the man of lawlessness.
Sweet children, turn to the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not harm anyone with intent.
Do not cause suffering and loss;
And do not expect the loveless rebels who defy God are not without punishment and being reprimanded. 
They will suffer and feel the pain when their time comes to feel what they sow.
Disgraceful is the man who oppresses and abuses women - and there are many abusers in the land where you live.
The lawless one hates women.
He rejects righteous teaching from the Father
The woman can busy herself with many things or nothing at all.
The man who can focus only with limited view will analyse his purpose and whom he is loyal to.
God did not forget your promise to Him?
Did you remember?'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You dare with arrogance and contemptment

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