

Sunday 23 May 2021

'Pray And The Lord Will Bless You With This' - Message 23rd May 2021

This morning, woke up 7:17 am with hearing singing 'Amen, amen amen'
Hearing exactly as this in 'The Blessing'. With the time noted, scripture can also be identified that may compound this revelation.

Revelation 7:17 it is written:

'for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

Message: 23rd May 2021
Start time: 10:18 am
End time: 10:45 am

'I will make all things right in your life.
Trust me because I am the Lord Almighty and One with all my people.
So my children, turn to me with all your heart and let the wellsprings open and overflow, for the Lord of heaven and earth will listen to you now.
Let the rebellion stop now.
Let the heartlessness stop now.
Let the jealousy and hate stop now.
There is no competing for me.
Your Lord and God waits for you to come with all your hearts clean, so that I may purify your hearts and souls with my Holy Spirit. 
Dear ones, do you forget I am the one who can do all things and nothing happens before the right time?
Dear ones, do you hear the birds sing?
Do you know who wrote their song?
Do you know provision is given when there is least expected?
And those who rob my people will be robbed of the Lord's Blessing; for my people who have been persecuted and suffered so much will be blessed even more by the Lord of Grace.
Even in His Mercy, He forgives sinners.
But if you continue to murder my people by your ways, you will be cursed in the river of fire that will sweep your land.
You will be burned in your heart and soul of all your rottenness; and you will never know to be satisfied in your life.
You who hate my people will never know love and will not sleep peacefully at night; because your fear is being hated and you know retaliation can come at any time.
Take no life for granted and do not look at the lofty because the Lord looks at the lowly, the meek, the broken, the destitute and those left for dead by those who prevented their ability to live and thrive.
My people do not serve the enemy of my people and they will not do ill deeds to place my people in harms way.
To silence you is to silence me, but they will be silent about the Lord your God because they do not know Him.
They will all know when the Lord, Your Saviour switches on the light within and this comes with love.
As you love you will be loved; and as you show mercy you shall be shown mercy. 
Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will raise you up.
Humble yourselves in front of the enemy and the Lord will fight for you.; for His army of angels have a cause in your life.
Humble yourselves in your meekest and weakest state; and the Lord will banish the enemy if you let Him.
Do not retaliate and fight evil with evil.
Bend your ear to hear the Lord's guidance and wait for Him - for he will always lead the righteous in truth; and the wicked will not get away with what they do.
My children, you did not have anyone to defend you in danger, because mere mortals are scared.
Mere mortals seek weapons to fight other weapons.
The Lord is Lord of all creation and when you pray, hearts and minds can be transformed overnight. 
One day war and destruction; the next day peace.
Who can do this?
How can calm the storm?
Who can bring the people to see the Lord is One with His people; 
And hurting angry people are justified too.
But who sees the lesson and reason for all this?
Can the Lord gather His people without helpers?
Does He need people to speak on your behalf to Him?
Can you not see the curtain has been lifted and the doorway to heaven open?
The Lord sees and knows everything that is going on.
In your most humble broken state, the Lord sees your tears and you will know joy - all who return with sincere heart.
You will be hated by those who do not know the Lord, but let me, Your Lord and God deal with that .
Pray that their hearts and minds be turned from wicked ways, and for all to live in peace and harmony again. 
Pray and the Lord will bless you with this.
Let the Lord's Will be done in your life and He will do it.
If you relinquish the ways of man, you will discover the divine.
May the Lord Bless you and your children with His Love and Mercy

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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