

Thursday 29 July 2021

'The life you live is not as before' - Message 14th July 2021

Orthodox Mystical Spirituality. 

Personal revelation message.

Message : 14th July 2021
Start time: 10:52 am
End time : 11:22 am

'The life you live is not as before. 
You have everything you want and need.
You are equipped for the work of the Lord.
You are calm within your faith in the one true Saviour.
So many pretend to serve and serve me, yet their hearts are far away.
You gravitate towards understanding who are mine; and they understand you as an enigma because you do not fit into the ideal lens of my chosen.
People forget, the Father did not choose the lofty and He has humbled the wealthy and broken their arrogant spirit. 
It was intentional; yet in arrogance all lose their way.
Can my people be aligned to a prince with no love for his people?
Can my people be aligned with an unrighteous throne?
My people are humbled.
My Princess is humbled.
Nothing unusual with the lessons being shown.
All sell themselves short in glamorous temptation and luring my lost sheep to follow them.
My dear, you were following no one and that is why you stood out from the rest.
You sit in a land of idol worshippers, none who care enough to step down from their station.
They want to be seen and idolised and it is not simply for vanity.
It is a game of power that has been shown to wipe the arrogant smiles from their faces.
My dear one, you were humbled and knocked down by a people of a lowly station.
They did not evolve spiritually and in their drunken stupor, many do not want to rise and know a different life because it is easy to knock others down.
The plummeting society is no longer great and never was in truth,
Without God the Father, there is fight for ego hierarchy.
There is the pretence of faith and the Church that rejects the Holy Spirit of God is void of God's presence.
These people are many who do not want me my dear; and I want or need nothing from these people.
I took nothing from these people and seek nothing from anyone.
My role was chosen and divinely given with preparation.
I renounced everything Pauline and will continue to renounce the ways of the world so my people, my family can be saved from this terrible evil.
Choose wisely who you keep company with for the righteous of heart are few.
The faithful company are few and with prioritising loyalty to my people.
Who are truly my people anchored in God the Father are few
My Father, God the Father entrusted his people to me and my spiritual welfare warrior is injured nursing his wounds.
In faith, many seek me and yet do not find me because they give up.
They keep calling and knocking, yet their lives are not ready for the Lord.
When the pupil is ready the teacher will arrive and not before.
He who is wise did not seek to be wise to show off.
The world is in dire crisis and the egos who have solutions with reducing populations are wrong.
The egos who want to control the world and people are wrong.
The police and security are wrong.
They are all sheep following their leader that is all.
When the heart is on the Lord God Almighty, He is not abusing and oppressing His people. 
He is not violating women and the weakest of people.
He is not asking men to gather in armies and show a power of strength.
Who is rescuing the damsel in distress?
Who is working for justice in your land?
Who is able to stand up and confront evil before it escalates?
They talk with no action.
The man who is secure in his faith does not make a noise.
He speaks his truth with reason anchored in the Lord.
Wait for me.
Wait for the Lord God Almighty to guide you in truth.
To all people who want to be leaders and teachers in the Lord of Spirituality, the Lord of All Souls be humble and empty first.
If you do not rid yourself of ego, life will do it.
The most powerful people are not with wealth or position of power. 
The people keep them there and if the Lord opens their eyes and minds, their loyalty will switch elsewhere.
Who is popular today is not tomorrow; and who is popular tomorrow is not known today.
It is a game of manipulation and distraction.
The Lord listens to the humble prayer and hearts of his lowly people; even those who have been humbled.
Be receptive to the truth of the Lord Your God  eternal.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The time has come for my people

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