

Thursday 15 July 2021

'The Time Has Come For My People' - Message 7th July 2021

Message: 7th July 2021
Start time: 4:25 pm
End time: 4:51 pm

'The time has come for My People to know the truth and when they realise the heavy price they paid for rejecting Me.
Who can put wrongs right?
They murdered my people so they could be paid; and people took what was not theirs for gain.
Masses of people are without jobs and the government could pull the plug on everyone to show exertion of power. 
But I will destroy those who murder my people; as they have seen no one survives who lives by death for power. 
The demons within wait; and they are unaware they willingly come under the influence of the most unholy and diabolical entity. 
You were once contaminated by this and hurt by those who took pleasure in hurting; and the injustice boasted about.
What is that about?
The lawless one is long foretold and the people worship the unholy.
No one serves me in your land to correct the wrongs.
Not one of them.
They all live to serve the image of respectability and status of a nation.
Look at England.
There is boasting of greatness too.
You are an oppressed people for as in history, those who are not born to rise and rule have risen by manly tool - while the sacred and holy light is extinguished instead.
Your people do not seek the Living Lord and do not worship in Spirit and in Truth.
They seek to follow a leader who is not aligned with Me in truth. 
Since the ancient times people pray alone and many humble and humbled people still do since.
Yet there is no Community in Christ.
There is gatherings in groups. 
If the leader has no light within him and his heart and soul are not divinely guided in truth, he keeps his followers in darkness.
The One who finds you sought you out and my faithful servant in other lands prays for you too.
You have community in faith and communion in prayer internationally. 
Yet who knows the truth other than the Lord, Your God.
Those who sought to condemn you are condemned.
My people are not serving the devil and his helpers.
The traitors of my people masqueraded as respectable - are not.
The woman who is ambitious to be the spiritual pinnacle of power - has no union - communion with Me.
The Lord Your God and My God, the Father of all, has known and made known the truth before.
Now you can see why things did not work out as they could before with the wrong choices.
The purpose of responsibility must be with the right people.
Your grandmother did right morally and with integrity to show the character of the family.
Yet the wayward child loses his way.
The jealous daughter became resentful that she would steal her way and her own sisters inheritance too.
Yes she is jealous and resentful; not knowing God, in judging her too.
If a woman or man will steal their own siblings inheritance and break the law to do it, why should they be entrusted to preserve the Holy Law; and be a Prince of Princess heir to preserve their people.
They even broke up their own families.
As there will be none looked up upon, unless they are faithful and pure in their intentions with everyone.   

My people are being murdered in your land by a system that do not believe the consequences will fall on their head. 
The people do not know me nor seek me in truth.
I can walk in your land unrecognised. 
You were brave to speak out and confront the courts and government, but there is no change to be considered as taken until they correct the wrongs done to you.
There is obligation in the law and the people being protected from tyranny enshrined in history.
I am the King of My People and you belong to Me as an Orthodox Christian - an ancient believer of the God of Isaac Abraham and Jacob.
I did not ask to be King. 
My Father sent me to reconcile His people to Him through Me.
My work is not over.
My soul never sleeps. 
The Lord God Almighty awaits your prayer and will guide you in Spirit and in Truth. 
We are eternally connected. 
All my people, my family and family by adoption are invited to return to God now.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Hear the word of Your Lord clearly

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